Student Affairs Seminar Teaches Earthquake Preparedness

The Birzeit University Deanship of Student Affairs held on November 19, 2013 a seminar intended to raise awareness among students about the dangers of earthquakes and how to stay safe when they occur.
The lecture, “Expected Earthquakes and Seismic Risk Mitigation in Palestine," was delivered by the director of the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center at Al-Najah University. Vice chairman of the National Agency for Disaster Risk Mitigation Jalal Dabbeek and assistant director of Palestinian Civil Defense Jabr Dweikat were in attendance.
Dabbeek gave a general diagnosis of projected earthquakes in the region and their potential strength. He highlighted weaknesses in the construction of buildings in Palestine and the need to comply with standards adopted by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.
Dweikat also offered advice for citizens in the event of an earthquake, most importantly staying calm, preparing an emergency plan, securing house entrances and exits, accessing safe places and the distribution of emergency medical bags that can help provide support for 72 hours after an earthquake.