Facts and Figures


Faculties and Programs

131 academic program (83 bachelor programs, 41 master programs, 4 PhD Programs, 2 diploma programs, 1 program for foreign students), in 9 faculties. In addition to 16 programs that culminate with the award of a specialized professional diploma offered by the university's various colleges, institutes and centres.

Language of Instruction

  • Arabic
  • English

Student Body (2023/2024)

Total number of students 14,368
Undergraduate (Bachelor) Students 13,041
Graduate Students 1,171
Diploma and others 156
Female Percentage 62.9%
Male Percentage 37.1%
Female Undergraduate percentage 62.6%
Female Postgraduate percentage 68.6%
Distribution of the student body by level, faculty, and gender 2023/2024

Faculty and Staff

Full-time Faculty Members 431
Female Faculty Members 34%
PhD holders 61%
Student to Faculty ratio 23:1
Full-time Administrative Staff 377
Female Administrative Staff 43%

Campus and Facilities

Student Fees (2023/2024)

Annual Tuition Fees


Bachelor Programs 

(30 credit hours/ year)

Master Programs

(12 credit hours/ year)

Ph.D Programs

(12 credit hours/ year)

Jordanian Dinar 1,340 - 2,990 1,640 - 2,060 3,200
US Dollar 1,889 - 4,216 2,312 - 2,905 4,512


Between the academic years 1975/ 1976 and 2022/2023 53,600 Graduates
Graduates of  2022/2023 2,751 66.2% Female
Bachelor programs Graduates 2,401 65.0% Female
Master programs Graduates


74.1% Female

Diploma and others


Student Aid 

Scholarship, and Financial Aid during 2022/2023 $ 6.9 million 
Scholarship, Financial Aid and Loan Recipients 46% of total students

University Library

Book Volumes 266,374
Book titles


Rare books


Titles of books in the special collections room


Thesis Dissertations 

Titles of Electronic book


Titles of Online Journals 43,262
Online Databases 85

Ethnographic and Arts Collection

Paintings, publications, drawings and sculptures


Palestinian Costumes and Accessories 

Electronic book titles
