Yuhsen Educational Group

qeematu kullimri’en ma yuhsenoh قيمة كل امرئ ما يحسنه
“The status of every person is what s/he yuhsen”
Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (599-661)

Yuhsen in Arabic has at least five meanings as in the following olive tree.

deep knowledge – the knowledge meaning. solidarity, caring, compassionate or giving of oneself for the sake of with others through working on the subject of learning – the community meaning. Respect and good behavior and treatment: respect for others and their ideas (preserving their dignity, respecting their experiences) – the interpersonal meaning. Presenting knowledge in a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing manner - the aesthetic meaning. the extent of the usefulness and effects of the subject being learned or the product for the group and for the people - the moral meaning.

The focus of Khalil Sakakini (1878-1953) on the notion of dignity of learners and the freedom of learning creates learning environments that support Yuhsen approach especially in collaboration and minimize competition,

Yuhsen extends the traditional specialized knowledge to include the social, political and cultural contexts. Furthermore, these meanings offer a different vision to the dominant view of assessment. Thus, we aspire to develop a theoretical framework for assessment in the Palestinian educational system that focuses on freedom and dignity through Yuhsen and the Sakakini learning environment.


We meet monthly to achieve:

  • Develop our understanding and meanings of the Yuhsen statement and how to make use of it in schools and university.
  • Focus on Arabic language as a vital source of shaping our understanding of the world.
  • Understand the Palestinian farming as another resource to make meaning of the statement.
  • Collaborate with others who are willing to “try” Yuhsen in their teaching and learning.
  • Networking with other experiences in the world especially with the gradeless assessment practices.
  • Arrange seminars and debates around Yuhsen and learning, teaching and assessment.

Thanks to Saher Al-Kaabi for designing the logo of the group