BZU professors publish new study on Zionist colonialism in Palestine
Despite the sophistication of the Zionist movement’s settler colonial project, a new study by the Political Science Professor at Birzeit University Ali Jarbawi, and former Director of the Development Studies Center at the University Tariq Dana shows how Zionism is a complicated project, burdened by the steadfastness of the Palestinian people.
The soon-to-be-published article in the Brown Journal of World Affairs is comprised of seven sections; “Unmasking Zionism,” “Conflicting Narratives,” “Institutionalizing Settler-Colonialism in the Israeli State,” “Entangled Colonization,” “Colonialism Reordered,” “A Century of Palestinian Resistance,” and an “Uncertain Conclusion.”
The sections of the study detail the evolution of the Zionist project, uncover its geopolitical roots, trace its expansion, examine its representation in the so-called “State of Israel,” and explore the obstacles that hinder the ultimate realization of the “Zionist dream.”
The researchers assured that Palestinians have been able to maintain their steadfastness and survival in the face of Zionist colonization, dispossession, and dehumanization, that is why- the researchers argue- Zionism existence, despite its ability to become institutionalized within a legal political system, and expanding through settlements and denying the basic political and civil rights of Palestinians.