Impact of the Birzeit University Legal Clinic

The Legal Clinic Unit at Birzeit University, part of the Faculty of Law and Public Administration, is an initiative that aims to enhance the university’s relationship with the local community, enabling students to contribute to the promotion of equality and justice in Palestinian society. Birzeit University supports the Legal Clinic by providing the necessary resources to ensure meeting the university’s academic and community-focused goals.

The clinic's primary focus is to offer practical legal education, encouraging continuous interaction with the local community. This approach contributes to the development of students’ personal skills and enhances their practical abilities. The activities of the clinic include providing legal assistance to vulnerable groups and fostering a culture of social justice, equality and respect for the rule of law. Currently, the clinic is working on the Sawasya 2 project, funded by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The project aims to boost the clinic’s efforts and ensure its sustainability as well as deliver necessary services to specific groups within the Palestinian community.

The Legal Clinic encourages participation from students across various specializations. The aim is to develop their skills and to offer practical experience in areas related to the rule of law. The clinic also promotes a culture of rights and social justice in the Palestinian society. Additionally, it seeks to improve cooperation with human rights institutions, along with other relevant programs and units at the university. To achieve these goals, the clinic organizes workshops and meetings, provides opportunities for learning and training and addresses important human rights issues in the community.

Finally, the activities of the Sawasya 2 project, implemented by the Legal Clinic, underline the importance of a strong connection between the university and the local community. The project encourages students to take an active role in community participation. It also provides opportunities for community partnerships and improves communication between the different parts of the university and various community organizations. This approach lays the groundwork for ongoing cooperation to achieve common goals in line with Birzeit University's values.