Mustafa Mari

Mustafa Mari
Dr Mari holds the Ph.D. (Law) degree from the University of Ulster, N.I., U.K., (2001), the LL.M. degree from the Queen’s University Belfast, N.I., U.K. (1995), and the BA degree in law from the University of Jordan, Amman (1990).
Dr. Mari has authored a number of publications dealing with various legal and human rights issues, has taught law, human rights and negotiation strategies at the Birzeit University, Birzeit, Palestine, and the Beirut Arab University, Beirut, Lebanon, and has previously worked with a number of Palestinian human rights organizations and donor-funded programs, on issues dealing with human rights and justice sector reform, most recently managing the Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Secretariat in the oPt.
Dr. Mari is Academic Researcher at the Institute of Law (IoL), Birzeit University, and has represented the IoL on the Steering Committee of the Arab Academic Human Rights Network (AAHRN). Dr. Mari was elected member of the Kufur Aqab municipal council, and is active member of the Palestine Bar Association.
1. Al-‘Adalah al-jinaiyah fi falastin: min khilal amal ma’had al-huqouq (criminal justice in Palestine, a review of the work of the Institute of Law, Birzeit University, 2022.
2. Halat wa iltizamat falasteen alta’aqodiyeh aldawliyeh that alolaqa bimabad’i iqtisad alsooq alijtima’i (Palestine’s treaty-based committments related to social market economy),published online by the Institute of Law, Birzeit University, at:
3. The role of Palestinian families in dispute resolution, TWIP, Nov 2018, pp 38-41.
4. Reconciling Palestinian Laws with International Treaty Obligations (mowa’amat altashri’at walitifaqiyat aldawliya), training module for government advisors, Institute of Law, 2018.
5. Kayfa nasna’o dostoran dimokratiyan li falastin? (How can a democratic constitution for Palestine be drafted?), draft for discussion, 2015, available at the IoL Blog Al-Modawana, via :
6. Aldeen wa huqouq alinsan fildasateer: tajarob muqarana (Religion and Human Rights in Constitutions: Comparative Experiences), Editor and contributor, Birzeit University Institute of Law, 2013 (Arabic).
7. A Human Rights Assessment of the Draft Palestinian Constitution, with N Siam and T Atiya, AAHRN, July 2012
8. Constitution Drafting for Palestine: Towards An Inclusive, Consensus-Building Process, Atlanta, The Carter Center, April 2011.
9. Barnamaj doblom aldirasat alqada’iya: alkhayarat almotaha (judicial studies diploma: available options), Karamah Initative, IoL, Birzeit, 2010.
10. Alkaramah alinsaniyah ma bayn almafhoum alfadfad waltatbikat alqada’iyah (Human dignity between the vague concept and judicial applications), Karamah Initiativee, IoL, Birzeit, 2010.
11. Tashkeel wamaham waikhtisasat mokawinat qita’ al’adalah fi falasteen: rozmah ta’rifiyah (formation and jurisdiction of justice sector components in Palestine: introductory collection of articles), Karamah Initiative, IoL, Birzeit, 2010.
12. Negotiating Differently: Towards Principled Negotiation of the Palestinian Refugee Question, in International Conference on Palestinian Refugees: Conditions and Recent Developments (Conference Papers),Al Quds University, pp 312-323, 2009.
13. Ten contributions, under the title “Correspondents' Reports – Occupied Palestinian Territory”, published in Volumes 2 through 11, Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Cambridge University Press, 2000-2009.
14. A Proposal on the establishment of a forensic medicine centre in Palestine, with Reem Bahdi and Mustafa Abdul Baqi, Karamah Initiative, IoL, Birzeit, 2008.
15. ‘The Israeli Disengagement from the Gaza Strip: An end of the Occupation?’, Vol 8, Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, pp 356-368, 2007.
16. ‘The ICJ’s Advisory Opinion on the Consequences of Israel’s Construction of a Separation Barrier in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: a Move in the Right Direction or an Impediment to Peace?’ Vol. 7 Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, pp 373-387, 2006.
17. ‘The Negotiation Process: The lack of a human rights component’, Vol 10 (No. 3) Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture, pp 5-16, 2003.
18. Dealing with past human rights violations in the context of peace negotiations: the experience in the Northern Ireland, South African and Israeli-Palestinian situations, paper presented at a seminar organized by the Transitional Justice Program, University of Ulster, United Kingdom, November 2001.
19. Dealing with human rights in peace negotiations: the lessons of South Africa, Northern Ireland the Israeli-Palestinian situations, paper presented for the Durban Conference Against Racism, September 2001
20. 'Al mawqif al qanouni lilintikhabat fi amaliyat alsalam' (The legal position regarding elections in the peace process), in intikhabat almajales albaladiyah walmahaliyah: mawaqef wa itijahat (Local government elections: position and directions), Ramallah center for Human Rights, pp 16-25, 2000.
21. The PICCR: a study in light of internationally-accepted rules pertaining to national huma rights institutions, PICCR, 2000.
22. The Legislative process in Palestine: Mechanisms, objectives, and priorities, PICCR, 2000.
23. Negotiating Human Rights in Peace Processes: The Lessons of South Africa, Northern Ireland and the Palestinian-Israeli Situations, Ph.D. thesis, submitted to the University of Ulster, NI, UK, 2001.
24. Residency Rights of Palestinian Children: Compatibility of Israeli Procedures and Practices with Applicable Intel-national Standards, (Ramallah: PICCR, 1999). (Arabic).
25. In Light of the Israeli Draft Law on Denying Compensation to Palestinians: Accountability of the Israeli Occupier for Violations of Palestinian Rights, (Ramallah, Al-Haq, June 1998), with Munir Pujara. (English).
26. Guarantees for the Respect of Human Rights in Palestine: Present Problems and Future Prospects, (Jerusalem: LAWE, December 1997). (English).
27. The Right to Freedom of Assembly: an Analysis of the Position of the Palestinian National Authority, Revised English version with preface, (Ramallah: Al-Haq, 1997). (English).