
The Bachelor Program in Economics aims to attain excellence in teaching and learning for the advancement of knowledge, innovation and creative solutions confronting Palestinian society. Perpetuate the tradition of intellectual freedom and debate and promote democratic behavior among our students and community, motivated by our Palestinian cultural heritage.  We will:

  • Provide our graduates with competencies, skills, knowledge, and attitudes shaped by critical and innovative thinking to serve the community, society, and humanity at large as ethical and responsible citizens and leaders.
  • Equip our graduates with the ability to actively contribute to human civilization through relevant research and community engagement, locally, nationally and internationally.

Our students upon graduation will have attained excellence in the cognitive, behavioral, and psychomotor competencies. Our students upon graduation will:


  • Know and understand the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, and empirical outcomes in economics.
  • Analyze problems and phenomenon, from an economic perspective. 
  • Generate hypothesis and/or explanations to economic problems and phenomena and evaluate consequences of recommended policy proposals.
  • Comprehend, internalize and appreciate ethical values, compare different values, resolve conflicts between them and address the issues in a socially responsible manner. In short recognize the role of ethics in economic decisions.
  • Understand and apply basic and complex research methods in economics, including data analysis and reporting.
  • Effectively receive and respond to knowledge; participate and interact in group, class, and/or community based activities.
  • Understand and apply economic concepts to real world problems and phenomena.
  • Apply and analyze theoretical models, hypothesis and paradigms from an economic perspective. 
  • Recognize alternative perspectives within the discipline, and can explain how these perspectives are reflected in theoretical models and policy recommendations.
  • Use economic models to analyze economic behavior, social issues, and policy problems.
  • Understand how to use empirical evidence to evaluate an economic argument.
  • Compare, synthesize, and evaluate two or more economic arguments that have different conclusions to a specific problem.
  • Recommend solutions to economic problems, issues or phenomena.
  • Identify economic problems and phenomena confronting society.
  • Know where to find and how to collect important economic data.
  • Assemble economic data; interpret statistical results to test and analyze hypotheses.
  • Conduct sound scientific research that adds to existing knowledge.
  • Effectively present their economic reasoning in concise written statements, extended research papers, and oral presentations.
  • Have a working knowledge of information data basis
  • Know how to identify and use primary and secondary data sources.
  • Understand and evaluate current economic developments and new economic ideas

The career opportunities open to our graduates include:

  • In the field of economics: Data collection, research analysis, forecasting, planning, consulting and policy advising roles in many industries including private sector consulting and research firms, retail, insurance, transportation, healthcare, state and local government agencies, public utilities, or labor unions.
  • In the field of banking and finance: Financial analysis, commercial banking, mortgage and lending services, credit analysis, branch management, securities sales and research.
  • In the field of education: Teaching, research and administrative roles in colleges, universities, and secondary schools.

B. Elective courses: 18 credit hours from the following courses

  1. 9 credit hours in Economics excluding ECON233, ECON337.
  2. 3 credit hours from the Business Administration Department.
  3. 3 credit hours from the Finance Department
  4. 3 credit hours from the Accounting Department 

Admission requirements

  1. A minimum of 70% in each of following courses: ECON131, ECON132.
  2. A minimum of 70% in each of other Economics courses that the student has taken.
  3. Department approval based on its absorptive capacity.

The academic plan consists of 120 credit hours distributed as follows:

Type of requirement

Credit hours

University requirements


Faculty of business and economics requirements 


Major requirements


Free elective courses

