Omar Tesdell

Omar Tesdell
Omar Tesdell, Ph.D., is associate professor in the Department of Geography at Birzeit University in Palestine. His research works to make more resilient and just agricultural landscapes. He holds a Ph.D. in Geography and Sustainable Agriculture from the University of Minnesota. He held a postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University in New York.
His peer-reviewed research has been published in refereed journals such as: Frontiers in Plant Science (2023), Plants, People, Planet (2021) (link), Frontiers in Plant Science (2020) (link), Journal of Arid Environments (2020) (link), Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (2019) (link), Geoforum (2017) (link). International Journal of Middle East Studies (2015) (link).
He has also published with his research group, in Arabic, an article on the Makaneyyat critical geography concept and method (2022) (Original Arabic عربيlink) (English version link).
Forthcoming works include "Sainfoin (Onobrychis spp.) crop ontology" in Frontiers in Plant Science as well as "Tree culture and Urban Futures in Ramallah, Palestine" and "Remnant Agroecology" in edited volumes.
He is Editor of Barari Flora, a growing online platform for plants in Palestine and the Levant. He has also edited an Arabic-English guide entitled Palestinian Wild Food Plants, 2018 (CC licensed e-book) as part of a community-based research collective.
Refereed Journal Articles
2023. Co-Author. Sainfoin (Onobrychis spp.) crop ontology: supporting germplasm characterization and international research collaborations. Frontiers in Plant Science.
2021. Aubrey Streit Krug and Omar Tesdell. A Social Perennial Vision: Transdisciplinary Inquiry for the Agroecological Development of Perennial Grain Agriculture. Plants, People, Planet.
2020. David L. Van Tassel, Omar Tesdell, Brandon Schlautman, Matthew J. Rubin, Lee R. DeHaan, Timothy E. Crews, Aubrey Streit Krug. New Food Crop Domestication In The Age Of Gene Editing: Genetic, Agronomic And Cultural Change Remain Co-Evolutionarily Entangled. Frontiers in Plant Science.
2020. Omar Tesdell, Yusra Othman, Yara Dowani, Samir Khraishi, Mary Deeik, Fouad Muaddi, Brandon Schlautman, Aubrey Streit Krug, David Van Tassel. Envisioning perennial agroecosystems in Palestine. Journal of Arid Environments, Volume 175,2020.
2019. Tesdell, Omar; Othman, Yusra; Alkhoury, Saher. Rainfed agroecosystem resilience in the Palestinian West Bank, 1918–2017. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems.
2017. Tesdell, Omar. Wild wheat to productive drylands: Global scientific practice and the agroecological remaking of Palestine. Geoforum. Volume 78, Pages 43–51.
2015. Tesdell, Omar. Territoriality and the technics of drylands science in Palestine and North America. International Journal of Middle East Studies, Volume 47, Issue 3.
2023. Omar Tesdell and Majd Al-Shihabi. Araborama, "Ce que la Palestine apporte au monde" March 2023, Institut de Monde Arabe Link
2023. Omar Tesdell, Muna Dajani, Alaa Aktash. Being in Place: On the Jawlan Formation and Agroecological History of Highlands. In The Untold Story of the Golan Heights, Michael Mason (Ed.), Munir Fakher Eldin (Ed.), Muna Dajani (Ed.). London: IB Tauris. Link
2022. Omar Imseeh Tesdell, Yusra Othman, Mary Diek, Hanan Zahran, Tala Khouri, Sameer Khraishi, Saher Khoury, Yara Dowani, Eyad Tamallah. Makaneyyat: An Open and Local Way of Studying the Landscape (Arabic). Jadaliyya Environment Page. January 2022. Link
2022. عمر امسيح تسدال، ويسرى عثمان، وماري دعيق، وحنان زهران، وتالا خوري، وفؤاد معدي، وسمير خريشة، وساهر الخوري، ويارا دواني، وإياد طعم الله. مكانيات: طريقة مفتوحة ومتأصلة لدراسة المشهد الطبيعي. جدالية
2021. Mason, Michael , Dajani, Muna, Fakher Eldin, Munir and Tesdell, Omar (2021) The occupied Jawlan: an online open curriculum. LSE Middle East Centre Paper Series (58). (Arabic-English) Middle East Centre, LSE, London, UK.
2019. Tesdell, Omar. Garden Gathering in A Garden Among the Hills: The Floral Heritage of Palestine. The Palestinian Museum. (Arabic-English) ISBN 978-9950-851-47-4.
2018. Tesdell, Omar Imseeh. Planting Roots, Claiming Space. NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 66-71.
2018. Tesdell, Omar Imseeh (Editor as part of research collective). Research Collective: Omar Tesdell (editor), Amna Othman, Yusra Othman, Yara Dowani, Renad Shqeirat, Yara Bamieh, Elizabeth Tesdell, Saher Khouri. Palestinian Wild Food Plants. Ramallah: Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center. ISBN 978-9950-385-72-6. (Arabic-English) CC licensed available e-book:
2017. Tesdell, Omar and Issa, Iyad. Balou as residual space: on the relation of landform and sociality in Palestine. Jerusalem Quarterly. Issue 69, pp. 107-199.
2007. Alegre, Jessica, Dennis Escudero, Omar Tesdell. "Agricultural Business Associations in Urban and Periurban Areas in Lima, Peru." Urban Agriculture, Issue 17, Resource Centres on Urban Agriculture and Food Security (RUAF), Leusden, The Netherlands.