Palestinian Agricultural Development between Colonialism, Globalization, and Liberation

In the face of the enduring challenges confronting Palestinian society, not least the recent war in the Gaza Strip and the forced displacement of Palestinians from their agricultural and grazing lands in the West Bank, there is a crucial need to refocus attention on the agricultural sector. Indeed, agriculture may contribute to shaping the cornerstone for achieving Palestinian food sovereignty, bolstering their steadfastness on the land, and straightening their livelihoods. Addressing these issues requires a critical scholarly engagement with questions of agricultural development, food policy and land politics.

We envision this seminar series, titled

“Palestinian Agricultural Development between Colonialism, Globalization, and Liberation”

as a space for discussion and exchange between researchers and practitioners in the realm of Palestinian agriculture.

Specifically, our aim is to collectively explore past and present transformations of the Palestinian agricultural sector in the context of on-going settler colonialism. We seek to spur debate on neoliberal models of agricultural development and their impact on rural spaces and lives. Furthermore, we aim to delve into the transformative potential of agriculture in fostering collective liberation and self-determination. Through engaging with these critical questions, we endeavour to broaden the scope of research within the field of Palestinian agriculture.

The seminar is scheduled to run from March to June 2024.

Organisation : Ahmad Heneiti, Fadia Panosetti, Natali Salameh, Taher Labadi

For more details please visit:

7 Mar 202423 Jun 2024
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