Propaganda through its printed, audio and visual productions in private, public and cyber spaces, combining historical, geographic and thematic divisions. It also delves into the political frameworks of propaganda in the fields of the visual arts, decolonizing research, crowd psychology, moral guidance, information warfare, and sociology. The art of lying, logical fallacies, wars of concealment and persuasion: self-deception, deception, and the decolonization of the senses. Public relation wars and propaganda campaigns. On propaganda related to Palestine in the last 100 years, supporting or opposing the Palestinian cause on the levels of: solidarity, boycott, ideological slander, propaganda of marginalized geography including: camp, prison, cemetery; literature of revolutionary discourse and information warfare: rhetoric, declarations, singing, etc., and visual materials such as: posters, caricatures, murals, graffiti, figurative art, labels, and others.