Type of mobility: Staff Mobility for Teaching during the International Week "Best Practices of Internationalisation"
Period of Mobiltiy: 22 - 26 May 2024
- Field of mobility:
- Business Administration
- Economics
- Management
- Finance
- Accounting
- Nursing
- Dietetics
- Cosmetology
- Emergency Medicine
- Midwifery
- Deadline: 27 February 2024
- Travel allowance + per diem (5 days of mobility + 2 days of travel).
- Teaching staff from BZU are invited to check Powiślański University’s website https://powislanska.edu.pl/ for more information in addition to the attached event’s agenda.
- A proposed teaching program is required through which applicant needs to highlight the motivation and objective of the mobility (Teaching & Networking).
- An invitation letter is a plus.
To apply kindly access Ritaj under the Academic Mobility