
1.       Preserving the university’s autonomy and strengthening its identity

  • Identify research and academic priorities in line with the university’s identity.
  • Embody the university’s objectives and values in all activities and events.

2.       Fostering academic quality and excellence and academic freedom

  • Develop interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate programs to produce local and global knowledge.
  • Develop blended learning both technically and pedagogically.
  • Enhance scientific research in partnership with local and international institutions.

3.       Supporting and developing student skills academically, professionally and socially

  • Develop academic and skill enrichment programs to enhance student personal, social and professional competencies.
  • Engage students in intellectual dialogue, research and activities within a free, national framework locally and internationally.

4.       Reinforcing the university’s community role

  • Develop the university’s community engagement in light of the university’s educational system and community needs and provide training and community service.

5.       Financial sustainability and fundraising

  • Diversify and expand fundraising approaches.
  • Promote the university’s institutional image, branding and communication mechanisms.
  • Activate alumni engagement to support the university.
  • Align expenditures with revenues and rationalize expenditure management to achieve efficiency and enhance quality.

6.       Proficiency of administrative performance

  • Develop academic, administrative and technical cadres within the strategic directions of the university in order to build new leaders.
  • Develop and define the digital transformation vision and continue the automation of administrative and financial processes to improve efficiency.

7.       Facilities and public space

  • Develop the public space in line with the university’s identity.
  • Align the university’s identity with the investment philosophy to define the priorities of projects.
  • Develop a smart and green campus in view of global climate change.

8.       Institutionalizing the dialogue between university constituents

  • Establish principles and mechanisms for regulated dialogue to ensure open discussions and procedures that serve the public interest.