“Palestinian Cooperatives: The Relationship between Youth Work and their Civil Engagement” Research Impact

Muwatin Institute for Democracy and Human Rights aims, through this project, to study the role of agricultural cooperatives in creating job opportunities for youth, reducing poverty rates in their community, improving their civic engagement, promoting their awareness on environmental issues and gender equality.

The project studies the relevance of youth in creating a sustainable effective economic model through cooperatives that are based on social and civic engagement. It explores the potential of such model to contribute in creating an environment that addresses inequalities.

“The Relationship between Youth Work and their Civil Engagement” aims to develop recommendations for policy-makers based on research findings that determine the efficacy of youth agricultural cooperatives in solving economic, social-civic, and cultural problems. The project also seeks to investigate the role of other actors, such as universities. Universities can develop curriculums that engage youth more in their communities and encourage them to be involved in the work of cooperatives.

The project is based on analyzing the relationship between three factors: unemployment rates among university graduates, civil activity, and sovereignty over food. The analysis is carried out through observing social and economic practices in the cooperative productive work of youth. The analysis seeks to create policy changes that helps in reducing poverty rates in Palestine, and in supporting youth’s civic engagement.