Urban Planning and Settlements: Al-Naqab as a Model

Urban Planning and Settlements: Al-Naqab as a Model

Speakers: Dr. Ahmed Amara, Dr. Safa’a Abu Rabi’a, Mr. Kaid Abulatif, Dr. Mansour Nasasrah, Dr. Sophie Richter-Devroe

This symposium addresses the issue of Zionist settlements in the Naqab, expanding analysis of the Israeli colonial settlement project beyond the Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Presenters at the symposium will focus on the following topics:

- The history of the Naqab and the legal framework for Israel’s land confiscation practices;

- Urban planning, the ‘mixed cities,’ and the Judaization of the Naqab;

- Military rule, the unrecognised Palestinian villages, and resettlement schemes;

- Women's Memory of Beersheba: How do women narrate the Nakba?

- The use of urban planning in the Judaization of the Naqab


For more information about the guest speakers
For organisational purposes, please register through this link

20 Jun 2019
The Palestinian Museum