أبحاث كلية العلوم

Author Cont.
Talal Shahwan

Colloids and Interface Science Communications 41:100369, March 2021


Evaluation of the thermodynamic parameters ΔHo, ΔSo, and ΔGo associated with sorption of aqueous pollutants by various sorbents increased markedly over the past three decades. These parameters are presumed to provide a macroscopic perspective about the energetics of interaction and extent of uptake in sorption systems. However, the nature of the sorption process at the solid-liquid interface is dictating a variety of restrictions and assumptions that can affect the validity and the reliability of the obtained results. In the absence of thermodynamic data of formation, in addition to the lack of activity coefficients or standard state definitions for the sorbates, the thermodynamic parameters are usually calculated using phenomenological “equilibrium constants”, which are limited to a narrow set of experimental conditions. Equally important is the need for proper interpretation of the reported thermodynamic parameters, which is erroneously done in many cases. This paper presents some insights about the theoretical background, commonly utilized approaches to evaluate the observed equilibrium constants, and the interpretations of the obtained thermodynamic parameters of sorption, in various sorbates-sorbents systems

Author Cont.

Hijazi Abu Ali
Supervisor of Asem Mubarak Master’s Thesis

Mubarak, A., Abu Ali, H., Metani, M.

Appl Organomet Chem. 2021;35:e6428.


New copper(II) complexes with the third generation quinolone antibacterial agent levofloxacin were synthesized and characterized.  In vitro antibacterial activities for the complexes and their parent ligands against four gram-negative and four gram-positive bacteria using the agar diffusion method have been determined

This contribution provides an example of relational approaches to doing research, using two qualitative research methods, namely the Listening Guide and art-based methods, to learn about the selfhood of Palestinian adolescents. These methods, embedded within a salutogenic framework, created alternative knowledge about Palestinian adolescent girls.
Author Cont.

Abdul-Hamid M Emwas, Nahla Al-Rifai, Kacper Szczepski, Shuruq Alsuhaymi, Saleh Rayyan, Hanan Almahasheer, Mariusz Jaremko, Lorraine Brennan, Joanna Izabela Lachowicz


Metabolomics science is an “-omic”, joining proteomics, transcriptomics, and genomics in affording a global understanding of biological systems. In this review, we present the main metabolomics approaches, and highlight the applications and the potential for metabolomics approaches in advancing nutritional food research.

The edited book examines the specific structural conditions that shape people's lives in the Arab region, from the effects of imperialism, settler colonialism and the neo-liberalization of economies, to racial capitalism, securitization, and embedded patriarchal ideologies and structures. The authors of the book chapters assess the implications of these different dynamics on undertaking research and examine their own daily lives, the lives of their interlocutors, and the practices of their field.  

Author Cont.

Saleh M. Sulaiman & Mohammed H. Al-Jabar



In this study, B-nZVI was prepared via NaBH4 reduction method and characterized using different instruments including X-ray diffractometer (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR), Field emission scanning electron microscope (SEM), Transmission electron microscope (TEM), and UV–Vis spectroscopy. Also, the efficiency of B-nZVI as an adsorbent to remove diclofenac sodium (DCF) from aqueous solution was investigated, and compared with activated carbon (AC) under different experimental conditions such as pH, adsorbent dose, DCF initial concentration, temperature, and contact time.

The paper trace back the history of the Palestinian refugees’ camps in Syria from 1948 until today. It aims to investigate the fate of such camps amidst of the so-called Arab Spring. Despite their hardship as diaspora, Palestinian refugees in Syria worked hard to manage their lives, with help from Syrian Government and United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA). Since 2011, the Palestinian refugee camps witnessed various military actions from both the Syrian Army and oppositions groups. These actions resulted in the killing, imprisonment, and dispersal of most Palestinian refugees. In addition, their dispersal took place either inside Syria to neighboring countries or other parts of the World. These actions resulted in the killing, imprisonment, and dispersal of most Palestinian refugees. In addition, their dispersal took place inside Syria either to neighboring countries or other parts of the World.

Author Cont.

Mazen Y. Hamed,  Reema Siam & Roza Zaid 



نبذه عن البحث: استخدام الديناميكا الجزيذية لحساب ارتباط بروتين الزنك في الحمض النووي وتجهيز نماذج جزيذية ثلاثية الابعاد. وهذه البروتينات تستخدم طبيا في علاجات بعض الامراض

Zinc finger proteins (ZFP) play important roles in cellular processes. The DNA binding region of ZFP consists of 3 zinc finger DNA binding domains connected by amino acid linkers, the sequence TGQKP connects ZF1 and ZF2, and TGEKP connects ZF2 with ZF3. Linkers act to tune the zinc finger protein in the right position to bind its DNA target, the type of amino acid residues and length of linkers reflect on ZF1-ZF2-ZF3 interactions and contribute to the search and recognition process of ZF protein to its DNA target. 

Author Cont.

Mazen Y. Hamed


استخدام الحسابات في دراسة ارتباط المركبات المحتملة كعلاج لمرضى الخرف واختيار المركبات الأفضل حسب كيفية وقوة الارتباط.

Author Cont.

Johnny Stiban


نُشر البحث في مجلة (Frontiers in genetics) وفيه أكدنا اكتشافنا السابق بوجود مركز الحديد والكبريت في إنزيم الهيليكيز في ميتوكندريا ذبابة الخلز بالإضافة لذلك فقد اكتشفنا ارتباط هذا الإنزيم ببروتين آخر يدعى NUBPL وهو معروف بكونه ناقل لمركز الحديد والكبريت لصالح الإنزيم الأول في سلسلة نقل الإلكترونات. كما وقدمنا معلومات جديدة حول ارتباط الهيليكيز وNUBPL  بالغشاء الداخلي للميتوكنريا وأن هذا الارتباط يسرع من فعالية الهيليكيز وبالتالي يساهم فعليًا بتضاعف الحمض النووي في الميتوكندريا. وبما أن هناك طفرات في بروتين NUBPL تؤدي إلى أمراض وراثية في الإنسان والدراسة عليه ليست مستفيضة فكنا من أوائل الفرق البحثية في العالم التي وجدت هذا البروتين في ذبابة الخل ونتطلع إلى استكمال البحث في الخلايا البشرية في القريب العاجل. 

Author Cont.

Johnny Stiban



نشر المقال في دورية "الدهون في الصحة والمرض" Lipids in health and disease التي تنشرها دار سبرنجر نيتشر Springer Nature العالمية. كتبت المقال بصورة أساسية خريجة الدائرة وعضو فريق د. جوني البحثي السابقة منى عبد ربه، وفيه درست باستفاضة ثمانية أمراض وراثية تتعلق باختلالات في بعض البروتينات الهاضمة للدهون جمعت في هذا البحث معظم الدراسات الحديثة حول هذه الأمراض من حيث مسبباتها وآلياتها البيوكيميائية وطرق علاجها الحالية والمستقبلية.

Author Cont.

Arwa Abu Khweek 



In this study, we used caspase-11 knockout mice and an HDM-mediated allergic inflammation model to delineate the role of caspase-11 in vivo in mice. We demonstrate that the inflammatory environment of asthma, specifically IL-4 and IL-13 cytokines, promote caspase-11 expression. Furthermore, caspase-11knockout macrophages produce lower amounts of KC, IL-6, and IL-12, and express lower levels of costimulatory molecules (e.g., CD40, CD86 and MHCII) in response to HDM stimulation. In vivo data showed that HDM induce caspase-11 expression in WT mice. Furthermore, HDM promote differential inflammation and cellular infiltration with lessened neutrophilia in the caspase-11Knockout mice. Therefore, caspase-11 promotes inflammation and neutrophil trafficking in response to HDM exposure.

Author Cont.

Arwa Abu Khweek



This study demonstrates that despite lacking a direct bactericidal effect, Gasdermin D (GSDMD) inhibits B. cenocepacia infection, independent from cell death. Instead, GSDMD activation mediates mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mROS) production, which in turn stimulates the cellular autophagic machinery to degrade the invading bacteria in macrophages. Additionally, different B. cenocepacia secretory systems (T3SS, T4SS, and T6SS) contribute to GSDMD activation and hence bacterial clearance within macrophages. Moreover, GSDMD restricts B. cenocepacia replication while promoting inflammation and neutrophil recruitment in the lungs of infected mice. These results clarify the double-edged functions of GSDMD in response to B. cenocepacia.

Author Cont.

Arwa Abu Khweek



We demonstrate in healthy microglia that autophagy cargo receptor NBR1 is required for amyloid-β (Aβ) degradation. Inhibiting elevated miR-17 in 5xFAD mouse microglia improves Aβ degradation, autophagy, and NBR1 puncta formation in vitro and improves NBR1 expression in vivo. These findings offer a mechanism behind dysfunctional autophagy in Alzheimer's Disease (AD) microglia, which may be useful for therapeutic interventions aiming to improve autophagy function in AD.

Author Cont.

Fekri Samarah Mahmoud A. Srour,and Kamal Dumaidi

BioMed Research International 2021, Article ID 6640956, 8 pags | https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/6640956


تم دراسة مستويات الدهون في دم مرضى فقر الدم المنجلي، وتبين أن هنالك نقص ملحوظ احصائيا في مستوى الكوليسترول في دم المرضى مقارنة مع الأصحاء. وهذا النقص يتناسب مع شدة المرض. ويجب مراعاة هذه النتيجة لأن المرضى لديهم معدل استبدال عال لكريات الدم الحمراء وهذا يتطلب توفر مخزون كاف من الدهون.

Author Cont.

Zeeshan Ali, Dharma Basaula, Khalid Eid, Mahmud Khan

Thin Solid Films Volume 735, 138899 (2021)  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2021.138899



The structural, transport, and magnetic properties of permalloy (Ni81Fe19) thin films prepared by oblique angle deposition have been investigated. With the increasing oblique angle, column-like microstructures developed on the films while their porosity augmented. Due to the unique columnar microstructures, a deposition-angle-dependent uniaxial anisotropy was induced in the films. While the normally deposited film was electrically isotropic, the films grown at non-zero angles showed enhanced anisotropic conduction. The magnetization data showed that for the films deposited at angles < 70° the easy magnetization axis was along the films in-plane direction and perpendicular to the incident flux direction. As the oblique angle exceeded 70° the magnetization easy-axis reoriented along the long-columnar axis. The systematic increase of oblique angle triggered a noticeable enhancement in the coercivity , especially for the extreme oblique angles (α > 70°). The experimental results demonstrated that oblique angle deposition, particularly at angles > 70°, can substantially transform the electro-magnetic properties of thin films.

Author Cont.

Fatafta, H., Khaled, M., Owen, M.C., Sayyed-Ahmad, A. and Strodel, B

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,118(39). 


نبذة مختصره: يعرض البحث نتائج جديدة تبين لأول مرة تأثير التركيب الدهني لغشاء الخلية العصبية على تراكم بروتين الأميليويد بيتا Aβ ، المعروف بدوره في تطور مرض الزهايمر، باستخدام عمليات المحاكاة الحاسوبية وتحديداً ما يعرف بالمحاكاة الديناميكية الجزيئية لجميع الذرات

Author Cont.

Fatafta, H., Samantray, S., Sayyed-Ahmad, A., Coskuner-Weber, O. and Strodel, B

Progress in molecular biology and translational science(Vol. 183, pp. 135-185). Academic Press


نبذه مختصره: يتناول هذا الفصل مراجعة شاملة للأبحاث المتعلقة بدراسة الطبيعة الديناميكية لنوع خاص من البروتينات الصغيرة التي لا تملك بحالتها الطبيعية بنية ثابتة ثلاثية الأبعاد. ودراسة هذه البروتينات الصغيرة وخصائصها مهم جدا في فهم التفاصيل الجزيئية لكثير من العمليات الحيوية بعض الأمراض

Author Cont.

Naz, T., Ahmad, S., Abusara, H.


A systematic study of shapes in Ni isotopes has been made in the Relativistic–Hartree–Bogoliubov (RHB) formalism. The constraint calculations predict the shape isomerism in the case of isotopes Ni (56,64,66,68,70,80). Significant jumps at N = 28,40,50 in the binding energy per nucleon (BE/A) and in the correspond to the neutron shell closure, and as doubly magic nuclei

Author Cont.

M. Saleh, Shahd Herzallah

Journal of Mathematical Sciences and ModellingDOI:10.33187/jmsm.748724


We study some results concerning dynamics and bifurcation of a special case of a second order rational difference equations with quadratic terms. We investigate local stability, invariant intervals, boundedness of the solutions, periodic solutions of prime period two and global stability of the positive fixed points.  And we study the types of bifurcation exist where the change of stability occurs.  Numerical examples with figures are given to support our results.

Author Cont.

Saleh, M., Asad, A

Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics DOI:10.5890/JAND.2021.03.008


In this paper we will investigate the dynamical behavior of a k-th rational difference equation where the parameters, and the initial conditions   are non-negative real numbers,  and the denominator is nonzero. Our concentration here,  is on the global stability,  the periodic character,  the analysis of semi-cycles and the invariant intervals of the positive solution of the above equation. It is worth mentioning that our difference equation is the general case of the rational equation  which is studied by Kulenovic and Ladas in their monograph ( Dynamics of Second Order Rational Difference Equation with Open Problems and Conjectures, 2002 ).

Author Cont.

Batool RADDAD,   M. SALEH 

Journal of mathematical sciences and modeling, 25 - 37, 2021  DOI:10.33187/jmsm.843626


In this paper, we study dynamics and bifurcation of a third order rational difference equation with positive parameters  and non-negative initial conditions .  We study the dynamic behavior, the sufficient conditions for the existence of the Neimark-Sacker bifurcation, and the direction of the Neimark-Sacker bifurcation.  Then, we give numerical examples with figures to support our results.

Author Cont.

Lina Sawalmeh, M. Saleh

Journal of Algebra and its applications, accepted.


Let S be a commutative semiring with unity different than zero. In this paper, we study the concept of 2-absorbing ideals of S which can be considered as a generalization of prime ideals. Among others, it is shown that the radical of a 2-absorbing ideal is also a 2-absorbing ideal and there are at most 2 prime k-ideals of S that are minimal over a 2-absorbing ideals

Author Cont.

S.Abualrub, M.Aloqeili

 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 392  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2021.113489


In this paper, we study the global behavior of positive solutions of the system of difference equations xn+1=A+ynyn−k,yn+1=A+xnxn−k,n=0,1,…with parameter A>0, the initial conditions xi,yi are arbitrary positive numbers for i=−k,−k+1,…,0 and k∈Z+. Moreover, we provide semi-cycle analysis of positive solutions of the above system of difference equations. We also provide numerical examples that support our analytical results.


Author Cont.

M. Hoshiea, A. S. Mousa & A. A. Pinto

A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research  https://doi.org/10.1080/02331934.2022.2059368


 We consider a continuous lifetime model for investor whose lifetime is a random variable. We assume the investor has an access to the social welfare system, the financial market and the life insurance market. The investor aims to find the optimal strategies that maximize the expected utility obtained from consumption, investing in the financial market, buying life insurance, registering in the social welfare system, the size of his estate in the event of premature death and the size of his fortune at time of retirement if he lives that long. We use dynamic programming techniques to derive a second-order nonlinear partial differential equation whose solution is the maximum objective function. We use special case of discounted constant relative risk aversion utilities to find an explicit solutions for the optimal strategies. Finally, we have shown a numerical solution for the problem under consideration and study some properties for the optimal strategies.