
The program aims to provide students with theoretical and applied knowledge in sociology, particularly in development and social policies. The program focuses on providing students with skills in critical analysis of theoretical and applied texts, and academic research through courses such as quantitative research methods, qualitative research methods and social statistics. This knowledge and skills qualify graduates to work in governmental and non-governmental organizations particularly, those interested in academic research and community development.

  • To contribute to the development of the Palestinian society through teaching and research produced by students.   
  •  To train students who are specialized in development, social policies and research and have the necessary qualifications and expertise to contribute to the development of the Palestinian society especially in this stage of Palestinian state-building which contains major challenges socially, politically, economically, and culturally.
  • To enable students to deeply understand the differences between scientific (evidence-based) knowledge and other types of knowledge and to employ a variety of scientific methods in studying social phenomena and problems and providing social solutions.   
  • To help students develop critical thinking and sociological imagination and to strengthen their self-confidence and their sense of belonging to their society and to humanity at large.
  • To understand sociological theories and concepts in the field of development, social policies and research.
  • To understand qualitative and quantitative research methods as well as principles of statistics.
  • To connect sociological knowledge with reality at the Palestinian, Arabic, and International levels.
  • To develop students abilities to analyze and to think critically.
  • To develop students’ research and scientific writing skills.
  • To develop students’ ability to connect social, political and economic phenomena.
  • To enforce students’ abilities to introduce critical-sociological and reading to the social reality in Palestine.
  • To develop students’ sociological imagination (the ability to see the connection between personal troubles and social structure).
  • To develop students’ abilities to use databases and e-sources as well as and hard-copy sources.
  • To develop students’ ability to use and apply sociological theories on social reality.
  • To develop students’ ability to argue based on scientific evidence.

Graduates of the sociology program in Palestine can work at:

  • Research centers.
  • Social development institutions.
  • Institutions of social intervention.
  • Institutions of social policies and welfare.
  • Civil society organizations.
  • Public relations institutions or departments.
Program Requirements
  • Fulfilling the requirements for continuation in graduate programs at the University as set out in the Graduate Studies Regulations.
  • Completing within the first year any remedial courses from the BA program as specified in the admission letter, provided they do not exceed 15 credit hours.  Students will not receive credit for the preparatory courses.
  • The completion of no less than 36credit hours, divided as follows:


1. Compulsory courses: (15 credit hours)

Course No

Course Title



Central Theoretical Issues in Sociology        



Theories in Development and Social Policy



Social Statistics



Methods of Quantitative Research



Methods of Qualitative Research


Note: All students must finish one of the methodology courses (SOCI633, SOCI634) within the first 15 credit hours.


2. Elective courses: (no less than 15 credit hours)

Course No

Course Title



Social Inequality



Political Sociology



Rural Sociology



Urban Sociology



The Sociology of Work



Population Studies



Nationalism and Ethnicity



Refugee Studies



Popular Culture



Gender and Development



Social Policy



Special Topic



Readings in Development Research



Globalization and Development


Students may take up to courses from other graduate programs at the university to fulfill the departmental elective requirements upon approval of the Graduate Studies Council in the Department.


3. Track A / Track B: 6 credit hours; either as thesis writing (Track A) or the two following seminars:


Course No

Course Title


Track A



The completion of no less than 15 credit hours, including SOCI632, SOCI633, SOCI634, as detailed in the courses description.

Track B


Seminar 1


Seminar 2

First degree in Sociology or Anthropology.  Holders of degrees in other fields can be admitted in special circumstances but may be required to complete remedial courses from the BA program in sociology.