French Language
Following an interdisciplinary approach, the French Department offers a Minor program in French language striving to provide students with basic competencies in French according to their needs and demands. It guarantees an open-minded learning atmosphere where both cultural diversity and freethinking meet. Learning the French language - the second foreign language in Palestine after English- gives the students the privilege of better integrating the labor market.
- Acquire linguistic competences (i.e. mastering discursive and communicative competences according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
- Encourage autonomous learning, and allowing students to gain a rich understanding of other cultures such as Francophone societies (French-speaking societies) in the purpose of creating an intercultural exchange.
- Understand the Francophone cultures (French-speaking countries cultures) and current issues
- Understand spoken discourse and written texts.
- Communicate both verbally and in writing.
- Analyze and summarize simple spoken discourses and written texts.
- Acquire basic skills in written translation (intermediate level B1)
- Acquire self-learning
- Elementary French teacher.
- Translator (Event receptionist and assistant of activities in the French language.)
- Language teacher assistant.
- Foreign affairs
- Public relations
- Tourism
Student must successfully complete a minimum of 20 credit hours of courses in French Language distributed as follows1. Core courses (17 credit hours)
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2. Elective courses (3 credit hours) from the following courses list:
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