The engagement of the community is another key element of BERC. Promoting cooperative efforts, and publishing data and studies can not only create value for beneficiaries, but motivate partnerships and more joint efforts.
The project kick off meeting was held at BZU in March 21-22. Another event was conducted in cooperation with Al-Quds Open University in Palestine to introduce BZU BERC as well as Al-Quds Open University BERC. The meeting was attended by representatives of the private sector community in the Ramallah and Jerusalem areas (see pictures).
Academics from the Faculty of Business and Economics participate in international workshops as part of Erasmus+ BERC
Academics from the Faculty of Business and Economics participate in international workshops as part of Erasmus+ BERC
As part of Erasmus’s BERC project (Developing the Capacity of Business and Economic Research Centers at Palestinian Higher Education Institutions) academics from the Faculty of Business and Economics at Birzeit University participated in two workshops in research methods at the University of Almeria in Spain as well as the University of L’aquila in Italy.
This project is in partnership with the Islamic University in Gaza, Al-Quds Open University, Almeria University in Spain, L’aquila University in Italy, Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, and the University of Huddersfield in the UK.
The workshops took place over the period from May 8th -19th 2017. The first workshop focused on the management side of business incubators and research centres. The second workshop tackled issues related to research methods with a particular focus on big data and the statistical package R.
A computer lab at the Faculty of Business and Economics has been equipped as part of this project and a summer school will be run on research methods during the break.
مشاركة مجموعة من اساتذة/ات كلية الاعمال والاقتصاد في ورشات عمل دولية كجزء من مشروع ايراسموس – بيرك
شارك مجموعة من اساتذة واستاذات كلية الاعمال والاقتصاد في ورشتي عمل في كل من جامعة لاكويلا في ايطاليا وجامعة المريا في اسبانيا خلال الفترة من 8 – 19 ايار 2017. وتأتي هذه المشاركة ضمن مشروع ايراسموس – بيرك والذي يعنى بدعم القدرات البحثية لكليات الاقتصاد والاعمال في الجامعات الفلسطينية.
وتشارك جامعة بير زيت في هذا المشروع مع مجموعة من الجامعات الفلسطينية (الجامعة الاسلامية في غزة، وجامعة القدس المفتوحة) بالاضافة إلى كل من جامعة لاكويلا في ايطاليا، وجامعة المريا في اسبانيا، وهادرسفيلد في المملكة المتحدة، وكلية التكنولوجيا والعلوم في السويد.
وقد ركزت ورشات العمل على ادارة مراكز البحث وحاضنات الاعمال وكذلك على مناهج البحث التطبيقي بالتركيز على البيانات الكبيرة ونموذج أر للتحليل.
وقد تم تجهيز مختبر كمبيوتر في كلية الاعمال والاقتصاد كجزء من هذا المشروع وتخطيط لورشات عمل في فترة الصيف حول مناهج البحث لكل من الطلاب والاساتذة.
Faculty of Business and Economics Inaugurates New Computer Lab as part of Erasmus BERC project
The Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics at Birzeit University Grace Khoury inaugurated a computer lab on November 21, 2017, as part of Erasmus’s BERC project (Developing Business and Economic Research Centers Capacity at Palestinian Higher Education Institutions).
The event, attended by faculty members and staff, marked the first public use of the faculty’s new state-of-the-art computer lab, which is in the process of being equipped with statistical and technical software to aid the students in their academic journeys.
Dr. Khoury highlighted the center’s role in supporting the students throughout their academic career at the faculty, “This project will serve the needs of the faculty’s departments and students and help them advance their studies and research efforts through specially equipped hardware and software.”
“The computer lab has been furnished with 27 computers, a printer, and a smartboard that allows lecturers, instructors, and students tutors to utilize the latest technology to complement the excellent teaching methods the University is known for,” added Dr. Khoury.
Erasmus’s BERC project aims to foster innovation and support research in Palestinian institutes, colleges, and universities, and is implemented in partnership with the Islamic University in Gaza, Al-Quds Open University, Almeria University in Spain, L'Aquila University in Italy, the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, and the University of Huddersfield in the UK.