Turkish delegation visits Birzeit University
A Turkish delegation, including International Justice Union President Necati Ceylan, Dean of the Faculty of Law at Istanbul Medeniyet University Dr. Muhammet Refik Korkusuz, High Council of Judges and Prosecutors Member Dr. Ali Cengiz, Palestinian Judicial Institute Director Rasha Hammad, and two professors from Ankara University and Istanbul University, visited the Faculty of Law and Public Administration at Birzeit University on January 15, 2018.
The delegation met with Chair of the Department of Law Dr. Mustafa Abdul Baqi and a number of faculty members and law graduate students. Dr. Abdul Baqi welcomed the delegation and affirmed the relationship between Palestine and Turkey, and expressed the faculty’s desire to build bridges of cooperation with Turkish universities and the International Justice Union for the mutual benefit of both parties.
Dr. Korkusuz gave a brief summary of legal education at the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels at Istanbul University. He also discussed possible channels of cooperation with the Faculty of Law and Public Administration, including joint conferences and research projects in numerous legal disciplines – carried out either in Palestine or Turkey.
A Q&A session was held at the end of the meeting, in which participants answered the legal questions of the audience members.