Teacher Training Projects Get Underway

Birzeit University’s Ibn Rushd Unit for Educational Development completed the second phase of its Professional Development of In-Service Teachers of Grades 1-4 on June 14, 2014.

The project was implemented in cooperation with the National Training Institute in application of the three-year teachers’ training strategy.  The first phase began in September 2012 and the third and final phase is expected to be completed by June 2015.

Approximately 100 teachers have participated in each phase, being supervised by highly qualified faculty members at the Birzeit University Faculty of Education.

The project offers four training modules divided into the modern methods of teaching and learning, curriculum design and teaching, tests and measurements, the creation of healthy schools, and active participation.

In other news, the center has succeeded in obtaining funding from Save the Children International for $20,000 to implement the Project "Active Cooperation between Teacher, Director, Supervisor and Counselor in Education."

This project will be implemented in government and UNRWA schools in six governorates and will train 70 teachers. The project began in May 2014, aiming to integrate work of teachers, managers, supervisors, educators and counselors in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning. It is expected to graduate the third phase class by the end of June 2014.