Student Launches Novel on Ramallah Changed after Oslo

Third-year Birzeit University Arabic student Mohammad Ja’biti published on April 9, 2016 his first novel, “Al Mahzla: Ramallah Western Faces,” which was launched on campus.The novel tackles the transformations that occurred in Ramallah after the signing of the Oslo agreement in 1993. He examines socio-political challenges and issues that are happening in Ramallah in a creative work.“Without the support of my teachers, family and friends I would never have finished the novel,” Ja’biti said. “This is my first novel and definitely not the last!”“Once I finished writing, I looked into getting the novel published,” he recalls, “and was eventually picked up by a local publisher. Now, I am looking forward to my next book.”Ja’biti received positive reviews from readers and prominent authors like Ibrahim Nasrallah, a Palestinian poet and novelist.