“Right to Health” and “Electoral Quota”: two new studies in Birzeit's Working Papers Series in Legal Studies
The Constitutional Law Unit in the Faculty of Law and Public Administration at Birzeit University, under the support and supervision of the H.H. Shaikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani Chair in Constitutional and International Law, has published three new papers in Birzeit’s Working Papers Series in Legal Studies.
Birzeit’s Working Papers Series in Legal Studies is an electronic series that publishes legal research papers – specifically in the fields of public law – that would benefit students, professors, researchers, and professionals in these disciplines in Palestine and the Arab World. The series comprises five categories: Translated Articles; the Comparative Arab Constitutional Law Encyclopedia Project; Master’s Research Papers; Conference Papers; and Position Papers.
The first paper, entitled “The Right to Health,” was submitted under the Comparative Arab Constitutional Law Encyclopedia category. The paper, written by Newar Bdair, outlined a study comparing international and constitutional drafting of documents related to the right to health, and the constitutional and administrative roles of the judiciary in preserving it.
The second paper, written by Waad Qannam, was submitted under the Master’s Research Papers category. Entitled “Electoral Quota between Equality and Discrimination: An Analytical Study,” the paper compares men’s right to equal opportunities in elections and the electoral quota system, which offers women support in elections and guarantees their right to hold public office.
You can access the above-mentioned papers via the links provided on the SSRN website. You can also view the topics of upcoming releases by visiting the Series’ page on the University’s website.