Palestinian Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - Events

Palestinian Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

(NanoSymp 2011)

Birzeit University, Palestine, December 10th 2011


للتطور الحاصل في موضوع النانوتكنولوجي علميا وتطبيقيا وما يترافق مع ذلك
إقتصاديا وبيئيا ومجتمعيا، فإنه من الضروري أن تتجه الجامعات الفلسطينيه
نحو نشر الوعي بهذه التقنيه على المستوى الأكاديمي ومنه على المستوى
المجتمعي. ان اليوم الدراسي المقترح يهدف إلى التعريف بالنشاطات البحثيه
ومناقشة واقع وتحديات موضوع النانوتكنولوجي في الجامعات الفلسطينيه في
محاولة لرسم ملامح عامه لخارطة طريق من أجل تضمين علم وتكنولوجيا النانو
ضمن المساقات التدريسيه والعمل كذلك على تطوير بنية تحتيه واستقطاب قدرات
بشريه لتنشيط البحث العلمي في هذا المجال



is currently envisaged as the science of the future. This is a
multidisciplinary realm that enjoys a common ground made by
contributions from chemistry, physics, molecular biology, material
science and engineering. Nanotechnology provides the means by which
nanoscience can be realized in our daily practices through transferring
the theoretical ideas into physical items able to demonstrate superior
properties by virtue of their nano size.

The symposium aims at demonstrating some of the
fundamental aspects of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, discussing and
presenting the recent status of the related research and education at
the Palestinian Universities, and contributing to establishing a public awareness of the implications of nanotechnology on social, educational, environmental and economical aspects.


Organizing Committee

Dr. Talal Shahwan, Department of Chemistry, Birzeit University. (Chair)

Dr. Jamil Harb, Department of Biology and Biochemistry, Birzeit University.

Dr. Edward Sader, Department of Physics, Birzeit University.

Prof. Hikmat Hilal, Department of applied Chemistry, Al-Najah University.

Dr. Mukhles Sowwan, Head of Nanotechnology Center, Alquds University


Scientific Committee

Prof. Hikmat Hilal, Department of applied Chemistry, Al-Najah University

Prof. Issa El-Nahhal, Department of Chemistry, Al-Azhar university of Gaza

Dr. Mukhles Sowwan, Head of Nanotechnology Center, Alquds University

Dr. Jamal Ghabboun, Department of Physics, Bethlehem University

Dr. Muayad M. M. Masoud, Department of Chemistry, Arab American University

Dr. Yaqoub Ashhab, Director of Biotech. Research Center, Palestine Polytechnic University

Dr. Ayman Daoud, Palestine Academy for Science and Technology

Advisory Committee

The symposium is planned to basically include the following activities:

I. Lecture by an invited speaker

academician with international reputation will be invited to deliver a
lecture about the recent trends in nanoscience and nanotechnology.

II. Oral presentations by academicians and reserachers from Palesinian Universities

presentations will include research activities about the fabrication
and utilization of different nanomaterials. Those may include: 

Ø  Metal and metal oxide nanoparticle materials.   

Ø  Carbon, fullerenes, and inorganic nanotubes. 

Ø  Chemically templated structures

Ø  Nanocomposite materials

Ø  Nanomaterials produced by self assembley

Ø  Recent applications of Nanotechnology: e.g. energy, electronics, water treatment  

Ø  Future ethical concerns of Nanotechnology: environment, societal and safety 

III. Poster presentations

activity will be open to contributions in the field of nanotechnology
by interested researchers and graduate students at the Palestinian

order to raise awareness among university students, a separate session
will be arranged for a competition among the senior undergraduate
students at Birzeit University for the best poster(s) illustrating the
applications of nanotechnology in science and engineering. 

IV. Panel

round-table discussion about the importance of nanotechnology education
in the Palestinian universities, and the means by which public
awareness can be promoted about the consequencies of nanotechnology
revolution on various aspects of life.

Contact details

For related inquiries please contact:

Dr. Talal Shahwan

Department of Chemistry

Birzeit University

Tel. 02 2982146

Email: [email protected]