Master’s Program in Electrical Engineering to Be Launched with International Support

The Birzeit University Electrical and Computer Engineering Department organized on April 6, 2015 a workshop on "Participation of the Industrial Sector in Research Projects," and the development of a joint master’s program in electrical engineering by Birzeit University and Palestine Polytechnic University with the involvement of Palestinian and European universities and institutions, and funded by European granting mechanism Tempus.

Birzeit University president Khalil al-Hindi clarified the importance of developing a Master’s of Science program in electrical engineering. “Its importance stems from two vital issues: the exchange of experiences between Palestinian universities, which is embodied in the collaboration between Birzeit University and Polytechnic University, In addition to cooperation with a number of European universities in this program in accordance with international standards.” Hindi added that the academic plan for the master's program was developed while taking into account the needs of the Palestinian industrial sector, so as to achieve integration between its theoretical and practical vision.

Project director Haifa Takruri from the University of Salford in the UK provided an overview of the project, which will include participation from representatives from French, Bulgarian, Romanian and Palestinian universities, as well as the Jerusalem Electricity Company Inc. and Java Net. Takruri said the master's program will involve two tracks: communications engineering and electric power engineering and will be implemented in Birzeit University and Palestine Polytechnic University.