Graduate Studies Workshop Explores Doing Research and Getting Published at Birzeit University

The Scientific Research Committee at the Birzeit University Faculty of Graduate Studies held on April 7, 2015 a workshop exploring the current conditions for scientific research and publications at Birzeit University.

Opening the event, university president Khalil Hindi said that one of the major problems facing scientific research in Palestinian universities is the "absence of obsession and admiration of scientific research." He said that there are many other barriers to scientific research, such as lack of resources and regulations governing Palestinian universities. For example, research selection often requires that studies address a theme different from the topic of the researcher’s doctoral dissertation.

Faculty dean and head of the Scientific Research Committee Talal Shahwan confirmed that scientific research is an important instrument for enhancing students' analytical skills. He said that the commission has supported many research projects since its inception, and rewarded outstanding research.

The workshop included two sessions, the first moderated by Grace Khoury. In it, Vice President for Academic Affairs Henry Giacaman presented his paper entitled: "The Role of Phony Publishers: Take caution when choosing where to publish your research."

The second session, moderated by Khalid Sweileh, featured three studies. The first was on the activities of the Scientific Research Committee and university publications, presented by Talal Shahwan. The second on writing a research proposal was presented by Rita Giacaman. The last paper was presented by Dolly Nammour and addressed the tasks and responsibilities of the Grants and Contracts Office at Birzeit University.