First-Year Students introduced to “Executive Masters in Business Administration Program”

New candidates for the Executive Masters in Business Administration (EMBA), offered for the first time at Birzeit University, took their seats around a long table headed by the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics Grace Khoury, who proceeded to introduce the program.

The dean highlighted how the design of the program had been prepared in partnership with the private sector. The program has attracted highly-qualified teaching staff from Europe and the United States. Enrolled participants come to the program with a diversity of experience as managers at prominent Palestinian organizations.

EMBA director Suhail Sultan identified the program’s objectives and teaching methods, relying on the exchange of experience and teamwork.

The first module is in marketing management and will be taught by Ruud Kronenburg, to continue for two weeks. The program delivers one two-week course every two months over its duration of two years.

An official launch ceremony of the EMBA with the attendance of private sector employees will be announced at a later date.