First Applied Mathematics Conference begins at Birzeit University
The Department of Mathematics at Birzeit University launched the “Applied Mathematics and Random Structures” conference, a four-day symposium that showcased research projects and studies on randomness, probability, statistics, random graphs and trees, and random walks, on Monday, August 27, 2018.
The conference, which featured Palestinian and international researchers, mathematicians, and experts, was held together with the French Consulate in Jerusalem, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Paris University 13, and the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the International Mathematical Union, and Foundation Compositio Mathematica.
Vice President for Academic Affairs at Birzeit University Dr. Henry Giacaman noted the conference’s impact on international and local academic cooperation: “The participants in this conference, whether mathematicians or statisticians, whether scientists, researchers or students, will be able to meet, share ideas and discuss new findings in mathematics and statistics, and their applications to industry. It is hoped that this conference will be a platform to gather and expand the latest knowledge.”
Birzeit University, Giacaman added, fosters research and supports academic-level communication and coordination by promoting international and local exchange programs and hosting international conferences on all fields and disciplines.
Chair of the Mathematics Department and Director of the Mathematics Master Program at Birzeit University Dr. Abdelrahim Mousa said the “Applied Mathematics and Random Structures” conference encourages scientific research and fosters cooperation between European and Palestinian universities, especially French institutes and research centers.
Mousa commented that the conference “is open to all undergraduate and master’s students, as well as faculty members and researchers. We want them to benefit from the discussions and research ideas presented at this conference.” He alluded to the symposium as a step toward establishing channels of academic collaboration with additional European universities.
Mousa remarked that the conference concentrates on the use of mathematics and statistical tools and models for industrial and scientific applications. “The aim here is to use different approaches, such as game theory, graph theory, and algebra, to solve issues and problems in science and various industries, both locally and internationally,” he clarified.
The four days of the conference, chaired by Abdelrahim Mousa, Brigitte Chauvin, Pierre Nicodème, and Frédérique Bassino, respectively, will include one-and-a-half-hour courses, one-hour talks, and half-hour discussions on algorithms on graphs and trees and their real-world applications.