Faculty of Education Holds 3rd Educational Open Day

Birzeit University’s Faculty of Education held its Third Educational Open Day on April 18, 2013 under the auspices of the Arab Islamic Bank.
The open day featured handicraft exhibitions, folk dances, musical videos and a book fair, and was attended by faculty members and students, as well as visiting school students.
Faculty of Education Dean Maher Hashweh said that the faculty seeks to use the day to reach out to the community. The event nourishes interaction between the participating educational institutions and the students, he said, with the hopes of creating job opportunities for graduate students, and deepening relationships with elementary and secondary schools.
Arab Islamic Bank representative Ahmed Sartawi expressed his bank’s pleasure at sponsoring the event, saying that the education faculty plays a vital role in developing future Palestinian generations and as such, the bank’s sponsorship is part of its social responsibility towards the community.