Faculty of Education, Faisal Husseini Foundation codevelop training for burgeoning teachers

Birzeit University signed an agreement on May 16, 2022, with the Faisal Husseini Foundation to establish opportunities for students to expand into teaching professions.

As part of the cooperative plan, the Faculty of Education and the foundation will train students to become qualified teachers focused on democracy, freedom of speech and creative and critical thinking. The Faisal Husseini Foundation will help to organize training and workshops on research skills, critical thinking and ways of learning.

The agreement also lays the groundwork to support Jerusalemite students with high levels of achievement to continue their education and obtain a master’s degree.

Birzeit University was represented by its president Dr. Beshara Doumani, and the Faisal Husseini Foundation, by its chairman Mohammad Husseini. In attendance were Dr. Refa’ Al-Ramahi, dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr. Ola Khalili, chair of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Dr. Ahmad Fteiha, assistant professor at the department and Fadwa Husseini, executive director of the Foundation.