Faculty of Education at BZU holds a workshop on teaching science by professors of education at universities

The Faculty of Education at BZU in collaboration with An-Najah and Al Quds Universities held a workshop during 11-15 April 2011, on how science teachers should teach the content at the Palestinian universities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The workshop was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Education at BZU, Dr. Maher Hashweh, , and Dr. Ashraf Al-Mimi, Head of Quality Improvement Fund at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. Dr. Hashweh explained the importance of this workshop,  since it manifests cooperation between the Palestinian universities in academic program development, reflecting the real partnership between universities on the ground.


Dr Ashraf, Mimi stated that one of the objectives of these projects is to create joint programs between universities, as well as capacity building and scientific research. He noted that the Fund projects have achieved 70% of its objectives.


During the 1st and 2nd day of the workshop,  various topics were addressed  including: programs for the preparation of science teachers in Britain, and British standards, followed by discussion on the Palestinian situation, characteristics of science education and teacher, in addition to the compatibility between these standards and the Palestinian reality and standards. On the 3rd day, the workshop addressed the preconceptions of science teachers, and the educational methods for modifying these concepts. On the 4th day, the workshop addressed the employment of cartoon concepts in the education of children. On the 5th day, the workshop was assessed, followed by the final meeting for planning to carry out research in science education and preparing science teachers, and how to meet the challenges in science education.