Education Faculty Present Ideas at UAE Conference

Dean of the Faculty of Education Hasan Abdel Karim and faculty member Ahmad Ftaiha recently attended a conference on Special Education and Inclusive Education Challenges held at Abu Dhabi University in the UAE.

Abdel Karim presented a research paper on the challenges that school instructors in Palestine face at including special needs students in the mainstream educational system. He reviewed the criteria that schools need to meet to overcome the obstacles facing inclusion of special needs.

Ftaiha suggested a framework for adopting an inclusive education approach for students with mental disabilities as a way to further accelerate the attainment of education for all in Palestine. His paper was done in cooperation with Mohammad Ziad, a professor at Al-Quds University.

Participants discussed issues related to modern teaching strategies in special education, services and modern technology, preparation of the special education teacher in light of quality standards and contemporary global trends, and modern visions about the integration of people with special needs.