Dr. Amal Nazzal receives the George Antonius Fellowship at University of Oxford

Dr. Amal Nazzal, assistant professor at the Faculty of Business and Economics at Birzeit University receives the George Antonius Fellowship at University of Oxford for her research about the structural and organizational transformations of the Palestinian organizational modes and modalities through the "NGOization" processes in the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Palestine.

This fellowship was established by Soraya Antonius in the memory of her father, George Antonius (1891-1942), who spent a long time in Jerusalem and was the author of the history of Arab nationalism, ‘The Arab Awakening’ (1938). The fellowship was created to support academic faculty members and researchers at Birzeit University through the George Antonius Fellowship at the University of Oxford.

Dr. Amal Nazzal is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Director of the Master's Program in Supply Chain Management. She received her Bachelor degree (hons) from the Faculty of Business and Economics in 2010, and her Master's degree in Business Administration from Birzeit in 2012. She was awarded the HESPAL scholarship for her second Master's degree at the University of Exeter in the UK in 2012 and was awarded the PhD Studentship in Organizational Studies to complete her PhD at the University of Exeter in 2013. Dr. Nazzal returned to Birzeit University after completing her PhD in 2016 until now.

Dr. Nazzal expressed her happiness and thanked her university, the Office of Academic Affairs, and the Office of Academic External Relations for their continuous support to the academic staff in their research projects. Dr. Nazzal also clarified that in addition to working on her research over the next six months, she will work on:

- Coordinating the hosting of one or more researchers from Birzeit University to Oxford University, and other researchers from other universities to speak more about research and academia in/about Palestine

- Coordinating a webinar about postgraduate scholarships at the University of Oxford to discuss all eligible scholarships for Palestinian students through the Palestine Crisis Scholarship Scheme and Scholarships and Funding for Under-Represented Groups.

- Coordinating a webinar on joint research funding opportunities between researchers from University of Oxford and researchers from Birzeit University through the Official Development Assistance Research (ODA) and Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) programs.

- Coordinating a digital podcast titled ‘Speak Palestine’ between undergraduate and graduate students from Birzeit University and undergraduate and graduate students from Oxford University and other universities whom interested in Palestinian research issues to discuss the needed epistemological and methodological approaches in the Palestinian-colonized and genocidal context aiming to produce liberatory research.