BZU Students Win Prestigious Global Awards
Three of Birzeit University students are celebrating their success in a leading awards scheme. Student from three disciplines have been recognized in international academic and innovative awards.
The prizes acknowledged students who shown excellence in research in law, mechanic innovation, and purposeful journalism.
Birzeit University graduate Zeina Sandouka was recognized as one of the Best Female Arab Reporter of 2016 by the Princess Bassma bint Talal Award. Reporter Sandouka won the award for her distinction in hosting the program "Halwa ya dunya" on Ro'ya TV-Jordan. The program is a reflection to the Palestinian national identity, and sheds light on Palestine's culture, heritage and traditions.
Graduate, Tamara Tamimi, law master’s student at the SOAS University of London, graduated with an award for the best thesis dissertation for this academic year. Tamimi’s thesis focused on Israel’s violent practices against Palestinians, such as house demolitions, house evictions, revocation of residency and imposition of limitations on registration of newborns and their legal implications based on the resources of international law.
Mohammad Abda, a student at the Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Deapartment, took part in the Fifth Annual Conference of the Arab Innovation Network (AINAC) 2016 in Jordan, where distinguished himself among his peers in his leadership and innovative skills, and his ability to design a project that is able to create a social impact.
BZU students are among the most active in the country, with hundreds taking part in and running student societies, volunteering and taking an active role in their learning through different local and international projects.