BZU Obtains Accreditation for B.S. in Audiology and Speech Therapy - Highlights

BZU received approval from the National Accreditation and
Quality Assurance Commission for Palestinian Higher Education Institutions for a
B.S. program in Audiology and Speech Therapy. The new program begins in the fall
semester of the 2011-2012 academic year and is offered by the Faculty of
Nursing and Allied Health Professions.

BZU is the only higher education institution to offer a B.S.
in Audiology and Speech Therapy, though such a program is currently offered by a
few colleges and institutions at the diploma level.

The program provides the opportunity to pursue scientific
and applied research in the field of diagnosis and treatment of hearing and
speech problems, thus qualifying students to diagnose speech and hearing
problems, and training them to provide appropriate treatment. They will also be
trained to advise doctors in this field. Moreover, the training seeks to
facilitate various job opportunities for the graduates of this program,
including the opening of a private clinic to serve patients.

BZU is presently working on taking the necessary measures to
launch the program and receive applications, which will shortly be announced in