Birzeit's Working Papers Series in Legal Studies releases three new papers
The Constitutional Law Unit in the Faculty of Law and Public Administration at Birzeit University, under the support and supervision of the H.H. Shaikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani Chair in Constitutional and International Law, has published three new papers in Birzeit’s Working Papers Series in Legal Studies.
Birzeit’s Working Papers Series in Legal Studies is an electronic series that publishes legal research papers – specifically in the fields of public law – that would benefit students, professors, researchers, and professionals in these disciplines in Palestine and the Arab World. The series comprises five categories: Translated Articles; the Comparative Arab Constitutional Law Encyclopedia Project; Master’s Research Papers; Conference Papers; and Position Papers.
The first paper, entitled “State of Emergency,” was submitted under the Comparative Arab Constitutional Law Encyclopedia category. The paper, written by Newar Bdair and Asem Khalil, explores issues relating to the state of emergency, such as the restrictions on declaring it and its effects on the rights and freedoms of citizens. The second paper, also by the same authors, was entitled “State of Necessity.” The paper discusses the state of necessity in a number of Arab legislative acts, as it is considered an exception to the norm, by reviewing the overarching legal frameworks governing the state of necessity, including its definition, legal activation provisos, and monitoring mechanisms.
The third paper, written by Rasha Amarneh, was submitted under the Master’s Research Papers category. Entitled “Civil and Security Public Servants’ Right to Strike in Palestine: Balancing Rights and Public Interests,” the paper applies the reconstructive Global Model of Constitutional Rights to the rights of Palestinian civil servants and security forces to strike.
You can access the above-mentioned papers via the links provided on the SSRN website. You can also view the topics of upcoming releases by visiting the Series’ page on the University’s website.