Birzeit University Welcomes New Students

Birzeit University Deanship of Student Affairs held on February 22, 2014 a reception for the 116 new students of the second semester, 2013-2014.

The reception, sponsored by Wataniya Mobile, included an orientation session on academic issues, life on campus, the university’s facilities and faculties, and major specializations.

Dean of Student Affairs Mohammad Al-Ahmad welcomed the new students, underscoring liberalism and freedoms enjoyed by the students. He called upon them to take advantage of their study years by participating in extracurricular activities.

Registrar Khaled Altukhman gave a briefing on the admission and registration process, saying, "We seek to organize and facilitate the admissions and registration process, through the optimal use of technology, with full compliance for regulations, as well as accuracy and information privacy."

During the event, two films were shown, one about the university and its facilities, and the second about the Student Affairs Deanship. Mohammed Zainedine from the computer center trained the students in using the Academic and Administrative Portal “Ritaj” on the university website. Voluntary work officer Ghada Omari talked about the importance of volunteering, while the public relations office addressed social networking on university web pages. The event concluded with a campus tour, accompanied by a number of old university students trained to assist their colleagues within the context of voluntary work.