Birzeit University tops Google Scholar in Palestine & ranks 29th among Arab universities
Based on the Google Scholar citation data issued by the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities; Birzeit University retained its position, coming in first among Palestinian Universities, and the twenty-ninth among Arab universities. Globally, the university’s ranking was 1678 among 4999 world universities.
Google Scholar citations index provides a simple way for university authors and researchers to keep track of citations to their articles. Scientists and researchers must share the same standardized name and email address of their institution. Citations are considered to be an important factor which reflects the quality and effectiveness of scientific publications.
According to the ranking website, the universities were listed based on the total number of citations for the first ten professors in each university. The first profile of each university list is excluded for improving institutional representativeness. Birzeit University scored 16060 citations, while the next local university scored 13484 citations and as a result ranked 1820 among world universities.
The Google Scholar citation ranking values will be used as the openness (transparent) indicator of the upcoming 2017 edition of Webometrics ranking.
To see the results, click here