Birzeit publications highest cited among Palestinian universities in 2021 SCOPUS database
A total of 163 studies by Birzeit University researchers, published in significant journals, have been listed in the 2021 SCOPUS international citation database. Refereed publications of Birzeit University achieved the highest number of citations according to SCOPUS, compared to previous years.
Citations of the university’s referred publications have also continued to increase, reaching a total of 19125 citations for 2021.
The publications issued in 2021 comprise research studies; conference papers; book chapters; and literature reviews in different disciplines, including computer science and engineering, natural and health sciences, engineering, medical science and social sciences. Most of the publications were produced in partnership with researchers from countries in the Arab world and beyond, such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, the United States, China, Malaysia and the United Kingdom.
Per SCOPUS, the total number of Birzeit University publications in 2021 was 1760, with 79892 citations, meaning that the university’s publications had an average of 45.5 citations per article, the highest such score among Palestinian universities and one of the highest in the Arab world.