Architecture Lecture Poses New Form of Urbanization

Dutch architecture and urban development specialist Naomi Hoogervorst gave a lecture at Birzeit University on upgrading and urbanizing public spaces.

Hosted by the Department of Architectural Engineering, the lecture was entitled “Networks in the Urban Fabric” and addressed new techniques to create designs for livable, attractive places in an open and collaborative process.  

Hoogervorst presented showed teaching faculty and students a number of her designs, which she said reflect her belief in the importance of engaging individuals in the process of planning and designing their spaces. She said it is vital for persons to contribute to their own living environment and their own well-being.  

Hoogervorst gained local and international experience as a general architect and planner working at renown architectural offices. In 2012 she founded FREEM open architecture, an architectural practice of creating designs for livable, attractive places in an open, collaborative process, and co-founded Placemakers (NL) in 2010, an organization that involves communities in urban development.