Jaser Sa'Ed

Jaser Sa'Ed
Dr. Jaser Sa’ed is an Associate Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Birzeit University, Palestine. Dr. Sa'ed held different administrative positions including chairperson of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and director of Master Program in Electrical Engineering. He participated in many national and international projects/activities. Dr. Sa’ed received his B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Birzeit University in 2005, and the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan, in 2007. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Palermo, Italy, in 2015. Dr. Sa’ed teaching “Smart Grids”, “Control Systems”, “Power Systems”, “Automation and Protection in Electrical Power Systems”, also he has supervised many graduate projects and master theses in the field of smart grid technologies and applications. Dr. Sa'ed has published many articles in refereed journals and conferences. His research interests include renewable energy systems, smart grids, integration of renewable energy sources in power systems, distribution systems operation and planning, power systems protection, energy efficiency and energy saving, control systems modeling and simulation.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5347-0725
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=LFf0plsAAAAJ&hl=en
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jaser-Saed-2
[1] S. Favuzza, R. Musca, G. Zizzo, J. A. Sa’ed "Comparative Modelling and Analysis of EMT and Phasor RMS Grid-Forming Converters under Different Power System Dynamics", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Dec. 2023.
[2] Yasser F. Nassar, Samer Y. Alsadi, Hala J. El-Khozondar, Mohamoud S. Ismail, Maher Al-Maghalseh, Tamer Khatib, Jaser A. Sa’ed, Mohammed H. Mushtaha, Tarek Djerafi "Design of an isolated renewable hybrid energy system: a case study", Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Journal, Nov. 2022.
[3] S. Favuzza, R. Musca, G. Zizzo, J. A. Sa’ed "A Comparison between RMS and EMT Grid-Forming Implementations in MATLAB/Simscape for Smart Grids Dynamics", in Proc. IEEE/MELECON 2022, June 2022.
[4] J. A. Sa’ed, S. Favuzza, M. A. N. Navia, G. Zizzo, “Virtual Synchronous Machine Control of RES Plants in Isolated Power Systems”, Applied Sciences Journal, 2022, 12(12), 5920.
[5] Mahran Quraan, Muhammad Abu-Khaizaran, Jaser Sa’ed, Wael Hashlamoun, Pietro Tricoli “Design and Control of Battery Charger for Electric Vehicles Using Modular Multilevel Converters”, IET Power Electronics Journal, 2020.
[6] J. A. Sa'ed, Z. Wari, F. Abughazaleh, J. Dawud, S. Favuzza, G. Zizzo, “Effect of Demand Side Management on the PV-integrated Distribution Systems”, Applied Sciences Journal, 2020, 10, 7551.
[7] J. A. Sa’ed, D. Curto, S. Favuzza, R. Musca, M. N. Navia, G. Zizzo, "A Simulation Analysis of VSM Control for RES plants in a Small Mediterranean Island", in Proc. IEEE/EEEIC 2020, June 2020.
[8] J. A. Sa’ed, M. Amer, A. Bodair, A. Baransi, S. Favuzza, G. Zizzo, “A Simplified Analytical Approach for Optimal Planning of Distributed Generation in Electrical Distribution Networks”, Applied Sciences Journal, 2019; 9(24):5446.
[9] J. A. Sa’ed, S. Favuzza, F. Massaro, R. Musca, G. Zizzo, A. Cagnano, E. De Tuglie, "Effects of Demand Side Management on the Operation of an Isolated LV Microgrids", in Proc. IEEE/EEEIC 2019, June 2019.
[10] G. Cipriani, V. Boscaino, Vincenzo Di Dio, F. Cardona, G. Zizzo, S. Di Caro, J. A. Sa'ed, "Application of Thermographic Techniques for the Detection of Failures on Photovoltaic Modules", in Proc. IEEE/EEEIC 2019, June 2019.
[11] J. A. Sa'ed, M. Amer, A. Bodair, A. Baransi, S. Favuzza, G. Zizzo, "Effect of integrating photovoltaic systems on electrical network losses considering load variation", in Proc. IEEE/EEEIC 2018, June 2018.
[12] J. A. Sa'ed, A. Awad, S. Favuzza, F. Massaro, G. Zizzo, " A Framework to Determine Maximum Capacity of Interconnecting DGs in Distribution Networks”, in Proc. IEEE/CPE-POWERENG 2018, April 2018.
[13] J. A. Sa'ed, S. Favuzza, F. Massaro, E. Telaretti "Optimization of BESS Capacity Under a Peak Load Shaving Strategy", in Proc. IEEE/EEEIC 2018, June 2018.
[14] N. Motan, M. Abu-Khaizaran, J. A. Sa'ed, " Design and Modelling of a 6kW Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System - AC Stage ", in Proc. IEEE/EEEIC 2018, June 2018.
[15] V. Di Dio, V. Boscaino, G. Cipriani, G. Drago, M. G. Ippolito, J. A. Sa'ed," Design, Modeling, Simulation and Testing of a Photovoltaic Water Pumping System”, in Proc. IEEE/ICIT 2018, Feb. 2018.
[16] J. A. Sa'ed, M. Quraan, M. Abu-Khaizaran, S. Favuzza, F. Massaro, "Control of Solid-State Fault Current Limiter for DG-Integrated Distribution Systems", in Proc. IEEE/EEEIC 2017, June 2017.
[17] J. A. Sa'ed, M. Quraan, Q. Samara, S. Favuzza, G. Zizzo, "Impact of Integrating Photovoltaic Based DG on Distribution Network Harmonics", in Proc. IEEE/EEEIC 2017, June 2017.
[18] A. Awad, I. Tumar, M. Hussein, W. Ghanem, J. A. Sa’ed, "PV Output Power Smoothing Using Flywheel Storage System", in Proc. IEEE/EEEIC 2017, June 2017.
[19] J. A. Sa'ed, M. L. Di Silvestre, E. R. Sanseverino, G. Zizzo, P. Colella, E. Pons "On the Hazardous Situations Due to the Presence of HV/MV Substations in Urban Areas", in Proc. IEEE/EEEIC 2017, June 2017.
[20] J. A. Sa’ed, M. K. Jubran, S. Favuzza, M. G. Ippolito, F. Massaro, "Reassessment of voltage stability for distribution networks in presence of DG", in Proc. IEEE/EEEIC 2016, June 2016, pp. 1-5.
[21] M. G. Ippolito, D. La Cascia, G. Zizzo, A. Dinolfo, J. A. Sa'ed, "The BAC factor method: Application to a real italian not-residential building", in Proc. IEEE/EEEIC 2016, June 2016, pp. 1-6.
[22] R. Bissanti, G. Cipriani, V. Di Dio, R. Miceli, J. A. Sa'ed, "Italian incentive strategy and regulations on small wind power turbines: A critical overview", in Proc. IEEE/EEEIC 2016, June 2016, pp. 1-6.
[23] J. A. Sa’ed, N. Ismail, S. Favuzza, M. G. Ippolito, F. Massaro, "Effect of Voltage Deviations on Power Distribution Losses in Presence of DG Technology", in Proc. IEEE/ICRERA 2015, Nov. 2015.
[24] J. A. Sa’ed, S. Favuzza, M. G. Ippolito, F. Massaro,"Integration Issues of Distributed Generators Considering Faults in Electrical Distribution Networks", in Proc. IEEE/EnergyCon 2014, May 2014, pp. 1062-1068.
[25] J. A. Sa’ed, S. Favuzza, M. G. Ippolito, F. Massaro,"Investigating the Effect of Distributed Generators on Traditional Protection in Radial Distribution Systems", in Proc. IEEE/PowerTech 2013, June 2013, pp. 1-6.
[26] J. A. Sa’ed, S. Favuzza, M. G. Ippolito, F. Massaro," An Investigation of Protection Devices Coordination Effects on Distributed Generators Capacity in Radial Distribution Systems", in Proc. IEEE/ICCEP 2013, June 2013, pp. 686-692.
[27] J. A. Sa’ed, S. Favuzza, M. G. Ippolito, F. Massaro, “Verifying the Effect of Distributed Generators on Voltage Profile, Power Losses and Protection System in Radial Distribution Networks", in Proc. IEEE/PowerEng 2013, May 2013, pp. 1044-1049.
[28] Nedal K. Al-Ababneh and Jaser A. Sa’ed “Use of super-Gaussian-Bessel beams in free-space optical interconnects Systems", Optical Engineering Journal Vol. 47(10), October 2008.