Grace Khoury
Grace Khoury
Dr. Grace Khoury is the dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics at Birzeit University. She is a professor of strategic management and has been the director of MBA program at Birzeit University in Palestine for six years and chaired the department of business administration. She is an adjunct visiting professor at Florida State University. She has over thirty years of experience as a university professor, administrator, students’ career advisor, researcher, management trainer and consultant at private and public organizations. She holds an MBA from Suffolk University, USA, and PhD in human resource management from Bradford University, UK. She served as a university council member, an academic council member and on a number of university and community committees including the board of directors of the National Bank/ Palestine and the board of trustees of Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS). She obtained certificates in project management and customer relationship management. She has published a number of management case studies and research articles in reputable academic journals and participated in international conferences. She is co-editor of a case book titled Rising to the Digital Challenge: Lessons from Mediterranean Enterprises (2005). She is co-author of “The Palestinian Executive: Leadership under Challenging Conditions”, Routledge, UK (2012). She is also a co-editor of a book titled “Cases on Management and Organizational Behavior in an Arab Context”, IGI, USA (2014) in which she is a co-author of two chapters. Dr. Khoury is a reviewer for a number of management journals and a member of the editorial board of The Learning Organization, Emerald. Her research interests include entrepreneurship and employment, leadership, organizational behavior and management.
Khoury, G., Eid, N. and Khoury, E.N. (2024) ‘Family business trans-generational succession in extreme
contexts: a socio-emotional wealth perspective’, Int. J. Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol.51, No. 3, pp.377-403.
Akella, D. and Khoury,G. (2022)"Transforming employee resistance into organizational learning at a higher education institution in Palestine" Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management. Vol. 17 No. 3, 2022 pp. 299-317
Haloub, R.; Khoury, G. and Masri, A. (2022). " Resilience through Entrepreneurial Storytelling in Extreme Contexts: A Case Study of a Pharmaceutical Company in the Palestinian Territory" International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Vol. 23 Issue 2 DOI: 10.1177/14657503221074576
McNally, B. & Khoury, G. (2021). Accessing Human Capital development and learning opportunities of Female Entrepreneurs in Palestine and Saudi Arabia: A Cross-country Comparison. In Metcalfe, B.D. , Bastian, B. and Al Dajani, H. Women, Entrepreneurship and Development in the Middle East, Routledge New York, as part of the Gender, Race and Diversity in Organization Book Series
Nabulsi, N., McNally, B. and Khoury, G. (2021), "Improving graduateness: addressing the gap between employer needs and graduate employability in Palestine", Education + Training, Vol. 63 No. 6, pp. 947-963.
Khoury, G. (2021). Supporting Networks for Women Entrepreneurs- Palestinian Authority pages 143-145, in OECD Studies on SME's and Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Policies through a Gender Lens, as a member of the Global Women's Entrepreneurship Policy Research Project (Global WEP).
Khoury, G., El-Far, M.T., Khoury, E.N. and Tovstiga, G. (2021), "Internationalisation of developing economy small and medium-sized enterprises: social capital and learning in Palestinian pharmaceutical firms", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. 28 No. 2, pp. 298-316.
Akella, D. & Khoury, G. (2021). “Resistance to Organizational Change in Academia: A Case Study from Palestine Investigating the Under reflected Role of Change Agents ”. InResearch Anthology on Digital Transformation, Organizational Change, and the Impact of Remote Work. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, pp. 1451- 1471. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7297-9.ch072
Muhtaseb, H., Khoury, G. and Tovstiga, G. (2019), "Micro-level sectoral analysis of developing economies", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, vol. 69, No. 3, 597-611
Akella, D. & Khoury, G. (2019). “Resistance to Organizational Change in Academia: A Case Study from Palestine Investigating the Under reflected Role of Change Agents ”. InHamlin, R. G., Ellinger, A. and Jones, J. Evidence-based initiatives for organizational change and development. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, pp. 361-386. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6155-2.ch018
Khoury, G., Farraj, W., & Sultan, S. (2018). Challenges to the formalization of Palestinian female-owned homebased businesses. Women Entrepreneurs and the Myth of “Underperformance”: A New Look at Women’s Entrepreneurship Research. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
McNally, B. & Khoury, G.K. (2018), “Leveraging micro-level support factors to overcome macro-level challenges: Palestinian and Saudi Arabian female entrepreneurs”. In Contextual Embeddedness of Women's Entrepreneurship: Going beyond the Gender-Neutral Approach’ Routledge – Taylor & Francis Publishing.
Khoury, G.K.; McNally, B. (2016),"The importance of fostering alignment to ensure sustainable nation building", Journal of Management Development, Vol. 35 Iss 6 pp. 718 - 734
Khoury, G. & McNally, B. (2016) “THE ROLE OF THE LEADERSHIIP STYLE IN CREATING CONFLICT, INEFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION AND TENSION IN A HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION” in Handbook of Effective Communication, Leadership and Conflict Resolution. Anthony H. Normore, Larry Long and Mitch Javidi, IGI Global. USA.
Khoury, G. & Khoury, M. (2014). Cases on Management and Organizational Behavior in an Arab Context. IGI, USA. Editor for 19 cases (Chapters) and lead author of two chapters:
Elmuti, D.,Khoury, G. Omran, O. (2013), Challenges and Opportunities of Health Care Supply Chain Management in the United States, Health Marketing Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 2 , 128-143.
Muna, F. & Khoury, G. (2012). The Palestinian Executive: Leadership Under Challenging Conditions, Routledge, UK ISBN 9781409454960
Thisbook is a unique study of leadership practices and styles in the West Bank and Gaza. It uses a ‘culture from within’ approach, rather than looking at leadership through Western perspectives. It also adds a multicultural dimension on doing business in other cultures, while providing a concise synthesis of the leadership literature. The book was published in September 2012 by Gower and Ashgate Publishing (UK).
Elmuti, D., Khoury, G. & Omran, O. (2012).Does Entrepreneurship Education Have a Role in developing Entrepreneurial Skills And Ventures' Effectiveness?, Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (JEE). Vol 15, 83-104.
Elmuti, D., Khoury, G. & Abdul-Rahim, B. (2011). Entrepreneur’s personality, education and venture effectiveness: Perceptions of Palestinian entrepreneurs. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Vol.16, No. 2, 251-268
Khoury, G. & Analoui, F. (2010). “How Palestinian Managers Cope with Stress?” Journal of Management Development, Vol. 29, No.3, 282- 291.
Available at:
Khoury, G.C. & Sayrafi, B. (2008) “Ritaj: The large Gateway”, Published case study, Distributed by The European Case Clearing House, England and USA
As-Sadeq, H. & Khoury, G.C. (2006).Leadership styles in the Palestinian large-scale industrial enterprises. Journal of Management Development, Vol. 25, # 9.pp.832-849.
Available at:
Chapelet, B., Dogac, A. , Akcay, B., Khoury, G. , Bounabat, B. , Aba, O. , Savvides, S. (2005). Rising to the digital challenge. Lessons from Mediterranean Enterprises. Centre Time, Grenoble Ecole de Management, Grenoble, France.
co-editor and author, authored one chapter titled “ Introduction to customer relationship management” and a case study titled “Taybeh” in addition to editing five CRM cases in this e-business text and case book. The book is taught for MBA students at Birzeit University in an e-business course
Aubert, B., Khoury, G. & Jaber, R. (2005), ENHANCING CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS THROUGH CUSTOMER EDUCATION:AN EXPLORATORY STUDY. The First International E Business E Learning Conference, Princess Sumaya University, Amman- Jordan.
Khoury, G. and others (2005). Author and team leader for publishing a management book for 11th grade students / Commercial stream, supported by the Palestinian higher education ministry.
Khoury, G. (2004). “Entrepreneurship in an Adverse Environment: The Case of Taybeh Brewing Company”, Published case, Distributed by The European Case Clearing House, England and USA
Khoury, G and Jaber, R (2004) “ E-Business Initiative at the Jerusalem Water Undertaking” Published case, Distributed by The European Case Clearing House, England and USA
Khoury, G.C. and Analoui, F (2004). “Innovative Management Model for Performance Appraisal: The Case of the Palestinian Public Universities.” Management Research News.Vol.27,No.1/2, pp56-73.
Available at:
Khoury, G. (2002). “The effectiveness of performance appraisal for Birzeit University faculty members” In Analoui, F. (ed.) The changing patterns of human resource management. Ashgate, UK.