Amal Nazzal

Amal Nazzal
Amal Nazzal is an Assistant Professor in the Business Administration and Marketing Department at Birzeit University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Exeter, looking at the relevance of Bourdieu’s theory of practice for relationally capturing various organizational practices, mechanisms and dynamics in socio-cultural organizations, in particular social movements. Her research interests include intersectionality theory, feminist organizing, social capital, social networking theory and new social media in organizations. Her research is driven by constructing realities, and the perceptions of agents and social actors, through incorporating different interpretive methods, such as in-depth interviewing, and participant observation. She is also interested in new research methods such as digital ethnography and social media content analysis.
Research Interests
Voluntary organizations (e.g. social movements, interest groups, charities), organizational networks, social capital, social networking theory and social media in organizations. Her research is also interested in intersectionality theory, feminist organizing, in addition to the relevance of movement activism and grassroots mobilization inside organizations. She is also interested in new media research, in particular digital ethnography (netnography).
Articles in Academic/Peer-Reviewed Journals
Nazzal, A., Stringfellow, L., & Maclean, M. (2023) Webs of oppression: An intersectional
analysis of inequalities facing women activists in Palestine. Human Relations: (1-31).
Thompson, A., Stringfellow, L., Maclean, M., & Nazzal, A (2021) Ethical Considerations and
Challenges for Using Digital Ethnography to Research Vulnerable Populations, Journal of
Business Research, 124: 676-683.
Refereed News Articles
Nazzal, A. (2021) The challenge, and opportunity, of boycott campaigns in the occupied lands of Palestine, Mondoweiss [Online] Available at:
Nazzal, A. (2021) When Online Research Can Do Harm, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society [Online] Available at:
Nazzal, A. (2021) The fight to boycott Israel – inside occupied Palestine #PalestineEconomicWeek, Huck [Online] Available at:
Nazzal, A. (2021) How does changing the "profile" picture become a political act? Metras [Online/Arabic] Available at: كيف أصبح تغيير صورة "البروفايل" عملاً سياسياً؟
Nazzal, A. (2021) Is boycotting effective? 5 responses to the skeptics Metras [Online/Arabic] Available at: هل المُقاطعة ناجعة؟ 5 ردودٍ على المُشكّكين
Nazzal, A. (2020) YouTube’s Violation of Palestinian Digital Rights: What Needs to be Done, Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network [Online] Available at:
Nazzal, A. (2020) Are YouTube’s Policies Biased Towards Palestinians? The Arab Center for
the Advancement of Social Media [Online] Available at:
Nazzal, A. (2020) Distance learning partially serves, and its tools remain limited. Institute for Palestine Studies [Online/Arabic] Available at:
Nazzal, A. (2015) is it a new intifada? Leave it to the Palestinians to answer, Middle East Monitor [Online] Available at:
Master Supervision
Currently supervising Dana Hasan who is exploring “The Dynamics of Liquid Surveillance: The Case Study of Instagram towards Palestinians during Sheikh Jarrah”.
Successfully supervised Shurooq Morrar who studied “Social Media Mobilization in Time of Crisis: Palestinian Employment in Lebanon”.
Dr. Amal Nazzal would be interested in supervising Master’s thesis taking a critical and/or interpretive perspective which is driven by constructing realities, and the perceptions of agents and social actors, through incorporating different interpretive methods, such as in-depth interviewing, oral histories, and participant observation. She is interested in organizational dynamics, identities, and fields. She is also interested in supervising students who are aiming to explore social networks, social capital, and social media mobilization, while using new research methods such as digital ethnography and social media content analysis.
Conference Proceedings
Nazzal, A. (2023) The NGOization Game: Paradoxical Spectrum of Feminist/De-feminist Organizing Feminist in NGOs, 39th Colloquium EGOS 2023, University of Cagliari, Italy.
Nazzal, A. (2019) Intersectional Analysis of Inequalities Facing Women Activists in Palestine, 35th EGOS Colloquium, University of Edinburgh, UK.
Nazzal, A. (2017) Organizational Mechanism and Dynamics of Motivated Youth Movements in Palestine: A Bourdieusian Perspective, 33rd EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Nazzal, A. (2016) Organizational Mechanism and Dynamics of Motivated Youth Movements in Palestine: A Bourdieusian Perspective, 32nd EGOS Colloquium, University of Naples Federico, Naples, Italy.
Nazzal, A. (2015) Theoretical and Conceptual Framework of Socio-Cultural Organizations: A Bourdieusian Perspective, SSIS Postgraduate Conference in Politics & IR, University of Exeter.
Nazzal, A. (2015) Theoretical and Methodological Challenges of Theorising a Bourdieusian Perspective, PGR Conference for Organization Studies, University of Exeter.
Nazzal, A. (2014) Social Movements within Organizations: Concepts and Thoughts, Alternatives Futures and Popular Protest – Social Movement Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester.