Adnan Yahya
Adnan Yahya
Adnan Yahya is a Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Birzeit University, Palestine.
Received his PhD from Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA in 1984.
Had several visiting appointments at universities and research centers in the US, Germany, France and the UK, including longer term stays at The University of Maryland College Park, Duke University, The University of Munich and Koblenz University.
Research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval, Computing Curriculum Development. Well published in each of these areas.
Served as Department Chair, Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Birzeit University.
Served on many committees: academic, administrative and professional. Coordinated the Evaluation of Engineering and Technology Programs at Palestinian Universities. Coordinated the authoring of 4 technology textbooks for Palestine.
Member of Palestine Engineers Association, Member of the ACM, Senior Member of the IEEE and ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) evaluator.
More details:
- Adnan Yahya and Ali Salhi: "Arabic Text Categorization Based on Arabic Wikipedia; ; ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing; Vol 13, No 1; Article 4, February 2014.
- Adnan Yahya and Ali Salhi: "Arabic Text Correction Using Dynamic Categorized Dictionaries: A Statistical Approach" ; Linguistica Communicatio Journal; Vol 5; 2013.
- Peter Baumgartner, Ulrich Furbach, and Adnan H. Yahya. Automated Reasoning, Knowledge Representation and Management. German Journal of Artificial Intelligence- Kuenstliche Intelligenz -KI, 1:5-11, 2005.
- David Plaisted and Adnan Yahya: A Relevance Strategy for Automated Theorem Proving. Journal of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Volume 144. Issue 1-2 Pages 59-93 (2003).
- Donald Loveland and Adnan Yahya: Satchmorbid: Satchmo(RE) with Bidirectional Relevancy Journal of New Generation Computing. .Volume 21, Number 2. Pages 177-207 (2003).
- Adnan Yahya and David Plaisted: Ordered Semantic Hyper-Tableaux.Journal of Automated Reasoning (JAR) :29(1).Pages 17-57 (2002).
- Adnan Yahya: Duality for Efficient Query Processing in Disjunctive Deductive Databases. Journal of Automated Reasoning (JAR)28(1): 1-34 (2002).
- Adnan H. Yahya: Minimal Model Generation for Refined Answering of Generalized Queries in Disjunctive Deductive Databases. Journal of Data and Knowledge Engineering. Volume 34, Issue 3, Pages 219-249. September 2000.
- François Bry and Adnan Yahya: Positive Unit Hyper-Resolution Tableaux for Minimal Model Generation. Journal of Automated Reasoning (JAR). 25(1): 35-82, July 2000.
- Jose Alberto Fernandez, Jack Minker and Adnan Yahya: Computing Perfect and Stable Models Using Ordered Model Trees . Journal of Computational Intelligence, 11(1):89-112, Feb. 1995.
- Adnan Yahya and Jack Minker: Query Evaluation in Partitioned Disjunctive Deductive Databases. International Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS), 3(4):385-413, December 1994.
- Adnan Yahya, Jose Alberto Fernandez and Jack Minker: Ordered Model Trees: A normal Form for Disjunctive Deductive Databases. Journal of Automated Reasoning (JAR), 13(1):117-143, August 1994.
- Adnan Yahya "Computer Technology in the Arab University of the Year 2000"; Sixth conference of the Association of Arab Universities; Sana'a, Yemen; 14--16 February 1988. also in The Journal of the Association of Arab Universities. July, 1988.
- Adnan H. Yahya, "The Role of Computer Technology in Distance Learning"; Magazine of the Association of Arab Universities, a special issue on the Open University; November, 1986 (in Arabic).Adnan Yahya and L.J. Henschen: Deduction in Non-Horn Databases. Journal of Automated Reasoning (JAR),1(2): 141-160 (1985).
- Ali Salhi and Adnan Yahya: "Quality Assessment of General and Categorized Arabic Corpora" ; Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Arabic Language Processing-CITALA 2014; November 26--27, 2014, Woujda, Morocco.
- Adnan Yahya and Ali Salhi: "Quality Assessment of Arabic Web Content: The Case of Arabic Wikipedia" ; Proceedings of Innovations2014: The 10th International Conference on Innovation in Information Technology INNOVATIONS14; November 9--11, 2014, Al Ain, UAE.
- Adnan Yahya: "Information Technology as Cultural Heritage Preservation Tool" ; International Conference: Globalizing Palestine: Birzeit University’s Digital Archive in an International Perspective – Towards a Chaotic Order; March 24--25, 2014, Birzeit, Palestine.
- Adnan Yahya and Ali Salhi: "Arabic Text Correction Using Dynamic Categorized Dictionaries: A Statistical Approach" ; Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Arabic Language Processing-CITALA 2012; May 1--2, 2012, Rabat, Morocco.
- Adnan Yahya and Ali Salhi: "Arabic Text Correction Using Dynamic Categorized Dictionaries: A Statistical Approach" ; Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Arabic Language Processing-CITALA 2012; May 1--2, 2012, Rabat, Morocco.
- Ali Salhi and Adnan Yahya: "Tools for Arabic People Names Processing and Retrieval: A Statistical Approach" ; Proceedings of the Arabic Language Technology International Conference: ALTIC-2011; October 9--10, 2011, Alexandria, Egypt.
- Adnan Yahya and Ali Salhi: "Enhancement Tools for Arabic Web Search A Statistical Approach" ; Proceedings of Innovations'11: The Seventh International Conference in Innovation in Information Technology: Special Session on Arabic NLP; April 25--27, 2011, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
- Adnan Yahya: " The Interaction Between High School Curriculum and First Year College Courses: The Case of Computing "; Proceedings of The 41st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE2010) PP. 406-410; March 10-13, 2010, Milwaukee, WI, USA; ACM Digital Library.
- Ahmad Sadeh and Adnan Yahya: " Shortest Remaining Response Time Scheduling for Improved Web Server Performance"; Post-Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST2008, May 4–7, 2008, Funchal, Madeira – Portugal)-Revised Selected Papers; Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing , Vol. 18 Cordeiro, José; Hammoudi, Slimane; Filipe, Joaquim (Eds.) 2009. PP 80-92.
- Adnan Yahya, A. Hithnawi, A. Salhi and M. Fawadleh: " Statistical/Corpus Based Methods for Improved Bilingual (Arabic/English) Web Search" ; Proceedings of the Humboldt Kolleg on Human Language Technologies in Africa: Status and Prospects; June 3-–5, 2008, Rabat – Morocco.
- Ahmad Sadeh and Adnan Yahya: " Implementation of a New Scheduling Policy in Web Servers"; Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST2008) ;May 4–7, 2008, Funchal, Madeira, – Portugal.
- Adnan Yahya: "Engineering Accreditation: A Developing Nation Perspective"; Proceedings of the International 37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference;October 10–13, 2007, Milwaukee, WI, USA.
- Adnan Yahya: " Accessibility through a Hybrid Educational System: A Case Study"; Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education (ITRE2003); August 10-13 2003. Newark, New Jersey, USA.
- Adnan Yahya: Model Generation for Disjunctive Deductive Databases . Fourth World Multiconference on Systems, Cybernetics and Informatics . Orlando, Florida. July 2000.
- Adnan Yahya: " On the Global Dimension of Computer Legislation: A Third World Perspective "; Proceedings of the International Federation of Information Processing 15-th World Computer Congress, IFIP Congress'98 KnowRight 98 ; 31 August - 4 September 1998 Vienna and Budapest.
- Adnan Yahya and Yousef Salamin: Towards Sustainable North-South Scientific Collaboration; Proceedings of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung International Symposium on Exchange of Scientists and Cooperation with Developing Countries; Bonn, Germany, April 14--17 1997. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, PP. 143-149.
- Adnan H. Yahya: Updates in Disjunctive Deductive Databases: A Minimal Model Based Approach. Proceedings of the Workshop Logic Programming and Knowledge Representation (LPKR'97) in conjunction with the International Logic Programming Symposium 1997 (ILPS'97). Port Jefferson, Long Island N.Y., Oct 12-16 1997.
Abstract (ASCII), Extended Abstract (postscript), Full version (Postscript). - Adnan H. Yahya: Generalized Query Answering in Disjunctive Deductive Databases: Procedural and Nonmonotonic Aspects. Fourth International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning LPNMR'97. Dagstuhl, Germany, July 28-31, 1997. Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence Series, Springer-Verlag Number 1265, July 1997. PP. 324-340
Abstract (ASCII), Full version (Postscript). - Adnan Yahya: A Goal-Driven Approach to Efficient Query Processing in Disjunctive Databases. Technical Report Number PMS-FB-1996-12. Institut fuer Informatik, LMU-Muenchen, Germany. Presented at the Dagstuhl Seminar on Disjunctive Logic Programming and Databases: Nonmonotonic Aspects, 1-5 July, 1996, Dagstuhl, Germany, Report Number 150.
Abstract (ASCII), Full version (gzipped Postscript). - Thomas Brüggemann, François Bry , Norbert Eisinger, Tim Geisler, Sven Panne, Heribert Schütz, Sunna Torge, Adnan Yahya: Satchmo: Minimal Model Generation and Compilation (System Description) JFPLC'96.
Abstract (ASCII), Full version (gzipped Postscript). - François Bry and Adnan Yahya: Minimal Model Generation with Positive Unit Hyper-Resolution Tableaux. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Theorem Proving with Tableaux and Related Methods, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence Series, Springer-Verlag, No. 1071, Pages: 143-159, May 1996.
Abstract (ASCII), Full version (gzipped Postscript). - Adnan Yahya: "Towards a Viable Computer Industry in Developing Nations: The West Bank Case"; Proceedings of the International Federation of Information Processing 13-th World Computer Congress, IFIP Congress'94; Hamburg, Germany, August 28--September 2, 1994. Elsevier Science B.V. Volume 3 (Duncan and Krueger, editors). PP. 65--70.
- Adnan Yahya: "On the Problems of Information Technology Management in Developing Nations"; Proceedings of The Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Personnel Research ACM SIGCPR 93; St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. April 1--3, 1993.
- Yahya, A. and Abdallah; "University Computer Services: A Third World Experience"; Proceedings of the International Federation of Information Processing 12th World Computer Congress, IFIP Congress '92; Madrid, Spain, September 7--11, 1992. North Holland Publishing. Volume II (R. Aiken, editor). PP. 123--129.
- Adnan Yahya: "The Impact of Computers on the Local Content of Engineering Programs"; Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, 1992; Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A. June 21--25, 1992.
- Adnan Yahya: "Local Considerations in Computer Science Curricula Development"; Proceedings of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education Symposium SIGCSE92; Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A. March 5--7, 1992. PP. 123-- 129.
- Yahya, A. and Abdallah A.; "Computers in Economic Development: The West Bank Case"; Conference on Information Technology in Support of Economic Development; Khartoum, Sudan, December 9--12, 1990. Published as Georgia State University Research Monograph Series Number 106, PP. 227-242, 1993.
- Abdallah A. and Yahya, A.; "Equity Problems in Information Technology: A Third World Perspective"; Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology; Tokyo, Japan; 2--5 October 1990. Part II, PP. 405-- 412.
- Adnan Yahya: "Software Protection: How Much is Enough"; Second Conference on Bilingual Computing in Arabic and English; University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.; 5-7 September 1990.
- Yahya, A. and Abdallah A.; "Some Problems of Computer Literacy in Developing Nations"; EURIT90: Third European Conference on Information Technology and Education; Herning, Denmark, April 23--27, 1990.
- Adnan Yahya: "On the Complexity of the Initial Stages of Arabic Text Processing"; First Great Lakes Computer Science conference; Kalamazoo, Michigan, U.S.A.; 18--20 October 1989.
- Abdallah A. and Yahya, A.; "Patterns of University Computing in Developing Nations: The West Bank Experience"; Third Southeastern Small College Computing Conference; Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A.; 10--11 November 1989.
- Adnan Yahya "Computer Technology in the Arab University of the Year 2000"; Sixth conference of the Association of Arab Universities; Sana'a, Yemen; 14--16 February 1988. also in The Journal of the Association of Arab Universities. July, 1988.
- Adnan H. Yahya, "The Role of Computer Technology in Distance Learning"; Magazine of the Association of Arab Universities, a special issue on the Open University; November, 1986 (in Arabic).
- Yahya A. "Microcomputers and Microelectronics Teaching on the West Bank"; Proceedings of the International Seminar on Engineering Education; Menouf, Egypt, November 1984. (in Arabic).
- Adnan Yahya "Working out a Technology for Preliminary Processing of Pictures Using Digital Computers", M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Computer Sciences, Electrical Engineering Institute, Leningrad, USSR, 1979 (in Russia
- Adnan Yahya (coordinator), W. Suleiman, I. Qadah, J. Rabie, A. Sayareh and J. Jawabra. "Information Technology for Twelfth Grade". Curriculum Directorate. Curriculum Directorate. Ministry of Education and Higher Education. Palestine. September 2006.
- Adnan Yahya (coordinator), A. Awwad, I. Qadah, J. Rabie, A. Sayareh and W. Suleiman. "Information Technology for Eleventh Grade"(5.9MB). Curriculum Directorate. Ministry of Education and Higher Education. Palestine. September 2005.
- Adnan Yahya (coordinator), A. Awwad, M. Deib, I. Qadah and A. Sayareh. "Technology for Tenth Grade"(5MB). Curriculum Directorate. Ministry of Education and Higher Education. Palestine. September 2004.
- Adnan Yahya (coordinator), M. Deib, J. Rabie, and A. Sayareh. "Technology for Ninth Grade"(3.5MB). Curriculum Directorate. Ministry of Education and Higher Education. Palestine. September 2003.
- Adnan Yahya: A Goal-Driven Approach to Efficient Query Processing in Disjunctive Databases. Technical Report Number PMS-FB-1996-12. Institut fuer Informatik, LMU-Muenchen, Germany. Presented at the Dagstuhl Seminar on Disjunctive Logic Programming and Databases: Nonmonotonic Aspects, 1-5 July, 1996, Dagstuhl, Germany, Report Number 150.
Abstract (ASCII), Full version (gzipped Postscript). - Adnan Yahya: Model Generation in Disjunctive Normal Databases. Technical Report Number PMS-FB-1996-10. Institut fuer Informatik, LMU-Muenchen, Germany.
Abstract (ASCII) Full version (gzipped Postscript). - Adnan Yahya and Jack Minker: Representations for Disjunctive Deductive Databases. Technical Report UMIACS-TR-93-63 and CS-TR3103, University of Maryland Institute for Advance Computer Studies, College Park, Maryland. 1994.