Abaher El-Sakka
Abaher El-Sakka
Abaher EL-SAKKA, a Palestinian sociologist. He has a PhD in Sociology, University of Nantes in 2005. He was a Researcher and lecturer at the University of Nantes from 1998 to 2006 and is currently a professor at Birzeit University at the department of social and behavioural sciences. He is also visiting professor at several universities in France and Belgium. His current research interest focuses on the social history and the historiography of the social sciences. His various research interests focus on studies on Artistic modes of expressions, stratifies artistic expressive social forms, social and collective memory, social identity and protest movements; nationalism; social policies; social mobility and political practices. He has just completed his new book, (2018) Gaza: A social history under British colonial rule, 1917 – 1948, Institute for Palestine Studies, Beirut, Lebanon.
2018 Gaza: A social history under British colonisation, 1917-1947. The Institute for Palestine Studies (IPS). Beirut – Lebanon, 325p.
Articles in Peer-refereed Journals
2018 Les universités palestiniennes entre hiérarchisation académiques et attente sociales, (palestininan univerites:between academic hierarchies and social expectations), Hérodote, n.168, la découverte, 1er trimestre, pp. 141-151.
2016 The New Representations in the Palestinian Society: normative deformation the example of Mohamad Asaf. Idafat, Arab Journal of Sociology, Arab Association of Sociology) and Center for Arab Unity Studies. Beirut, no. 36. pp. 09-23.
2013 Les mobilisations protestataires palestiniennes actuelles, in the iReMMO and Research Institute of Mediterranean Studies Middle East, pp.117-183.
2010 Revendication identitaire et représentations sociales : émergence d’un nouveau mode d’expression artistique de groupes de jeunes Palestiniens, Cahiers de recherche sociologique, Montreal, (‘Identity claim and social representations: the emergence of a new mode of artistic expression of groups of young Palestinians’, Sociological Research Papers 49, pp. 47-62.
2007 Le théâtre dans la société palestinienne” dans Créations palestiniennes, (‘The theatre in Palestinian society’), in Palestinian Creations, Horizons North Africans - the Right to Memory, (Toulouse : Presses Universitaires du Mirail), pp. 49-57.
2006 Palestine: Diversité et modes d'identification des conceptions du retour, Nouvelles formes de consommation en Palestine: Emergence d’un nouveau mode d’expression ou d’appropriation du politique (‘Palestine: Diversity and identification modes of return of designs’), Journal Diaspora, History and Society (UMR 5057), pp. 90-105.
2005 ‘New Palestine forms of consumption: Emergence of a new mode of expression or the political appropriation’, in J. Ferrando Puig and Y.Giamporcaro Saunière S. (eds), For other consumption, senses and emergence of political consumption (Paris: Harmattan), pp 165-177.
Publications in edited volumes and conference proceedings
2018 Representations of Violence and Non-Violence in Palestinian Society, in ‘Violence-Nonviolence across Cultures' dir Sudhir Chandra, Routledge-UK.
2017 Youth identities: changing identity hierarchies in segregated communities. in Palestinian youth: studies on identity, space and community participation, the center for development studies, Birzeit University.
2017 Palestinian deterritorialized identity and its hierarchy in different Palestinian communities, In Palestinian youth: studies on identity, space and community participation, the center for development studies, Birzeit University.
2015 Entretien avec Abaher El Sakka ; « Palestine : les chantiers de recherches en sciences sociales sur les révolutions arabes »; Abaher El Sakka, Aude Signoles and Myriam Catusse, (‘Interview with Abaher El Sakka; Palestine: social science research projects on Arab revolutions’), Journal of Muslim worlds and the Mediterranean .décembre, pp.189 - 198 .
2015 New Urban configurations in the Palestinian Society Model of Kufur Aqab, In Hilal Jamil, Elsakka Abaher, A Reading on the Socio Urban Changes in Ramalah and Kufur Aqab, Center for Development studies –Birzeit University, pp.81 - 58.
2015 Palestinian Youth Social Movement’s Protesters, in Birth of the Arab Citizen & the Changing of the Middle East, edited by Stuart Schaar and Mohsine El Ahmadi, Interlink Publishing, Northampton, USA, pp. 171 – 183.
2014 The influence of the Arab revolutions on the Palestinian cause, Masarat, pp. 5-55 (in Arabic).
2013 Supporters à distance : les fans du Barça et du Réal en Palestine, La réception populaire de clubs Barça-Real dans la société palestinienne ; (‘Fans from a distance : Barca and Real fans in Palestine. Popular receiption of the Barça-Real clubs in Palestinian society’), in Arab Youth. Recreation, culture and politics. Laurent Bonnefoy, François Burgat and Myriam Catusse (ed.), La Découverte, pp. 105 - 113.
2013 Avec Sergio Bianchi, Les broderies palestiniennes : vecteurs de construction identitaire et les enjeux sociaux, politiques et économiques. Qui brode quoi et pour qui ? (with Sergio Bianchi, ‘Palestinian embroidery: identity construction of vectors and social, political and economic issues. Embroidering what and for whom?’), French Association for the Study of textile. Saint-Maur-des-false, Sepia, pp. 139-148.
2013 ‘Palestinian social identity: fragmented representions and multiple interconnections’), Palestinian Centre for Research and Strategic Studies, Masarat, Ramallah, pp. 35-64. (In Arabic).
2011 A Sociological Study on Social Identities of Palestinian Youth in Two Palestinian Camps, Birzeit University, (In Arabic).
2007 Frontières palestiniennes : la crise conflictuelle entre l’histoire et la géographie (‘Palestinian borders: the confrontational crisis between history and geography’), in Regards géopolitiques sur les frontiers, ed. By Bouquet and Helen Graciet-Velasco, Paris, Harmattan, pp. 19 - 36.
2005 L'imbrication du patriotisme palestinien dans le nationalisme arabe; (‘The embedding of Palestinian patriotism in Arab nationalism’), in Mr. Feith (ed.), Nationalism and regionalism: the nations with or without state CRINI (Research Centre on National Identity and Interculturality), University of Nantes, pp.167-181.
2005 Al Diwan: Une institution entre transmission et reproduction sociale ; (‘Al Diwan: An institution between transmission and social reproduction’), in Bouget Karsenty and D. S. (ed.), Perspectives on the social bond, Paris, L'Harmattan, pp. 351-363.
2001 La mémoire collective palestinienne, formation d’une identité plurielle fondée sur la mémoire d’événements fondateurs ; (‘The formation of Palestinian collective memory. The formation of a plural identity based on memories of founding events’), in Suaud C., P. Guibert, and Moreau G., (ed), Time, Conference papers. Nantes, MSH Ange Guépin / Cens, pp. 45-57.