An online talk entitled: The Mysterious Higgs Boson

The UNESCO Chair in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at Birzeit University, in collaboration with Physics Without Frontiers (PWF) at the ICTP

is delighted to invite you to an online talk:

Title: The Mysterious Higgs Boson

Speaker: Prof. John Ellis

Abstract: In 2012 experiments at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider discovered a new particle that resembles strongly the Higgs boson expected in the Standard Model of particle physics. This mysterious particle differs from all the other known particles - it has no spin, its interactions with them are proportional to their masses, and it may hold the key to the future of the Universe. In this talk I will discuss these and other Higgs puzzles.

Zoom Coordinates:

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 895 4772 7404

Password: 059613

16 Dec 2024