Global Carceral States: Violence, Transgressions and Technologies of Imprisonment
Global Carceral States: Violence, Transgressions and Technologies of Imprisonment
Held in partnership between the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies at the University of California – Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA, and the Muwatin Institute for Democracy and Human Rights at Birzeit University, Palestine.
Imprisonment has long been a central tactic for managing and confining members of populations deemed to be risky, hostile, or superfluous. Today, we are witnessing the expanding reach of carcerality with effects extending beyond prison walls. Our conference is an invitation to reflect upon this current globalized carceral reality, including imprisonment as a tactic of control, subjugation and dispossession; and on ways in which carcerality might be countered.
The three-day conference features presentations by scholars and activists to contribute to our collective understanding of themes intrinsic to global experiences of imprisonment, and the ways in which people attempt to counter the violence inflicted upon them in confined and surveilled spaces. The keynote addresses and panels will touch upon ways in which the management and control of imprisoned populations are enacted; on varying modes of violence and torture; on prisons’ intersections with regimes of race, gender and sexuality; on the effects of imprisonment; and on creative responses to, and from, captivity. This engagement with global experiences of imprisonment and violence that are often kept in the dark might bring us closer to imagining a more just world.
Please use this Zoom link to register for the conference, or visit the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies' YouTube page and the Muwatin Institute for Democracy and Human Rights' YouTube page for the live stream. It is recommended that you subscribe to our channels in order to receive notifications and reminders for the conference.
Please click here for the programme.
Note: All presentations will be translated into English, Arabic, and Spanish.