What are the differences between a loan application and financial aid application?
For loans, a student first needs to complete a loan application through Iqrad (Loan Fund for Undergraduates in Palestine). The student then submits identification documents to the Financial Aid Unit.
The Financial Aid applications are completed online, along with the identification documents on Ritaj.
Does filling out the application mean that I got the scholarship?
By filling out the application, it means that you are eligible to be nominated for the scholarship. However, having the scholarship depends on the decision of the donors and financial resources.
When do I get the scholarship?
There is no certain time for sorting and filtering the applications. It depends on the availability of financial resources.
I cannot pay my full tuition fees and I want to get an installment, what should I do?
A student who cannot pay the full tuition fees and wants to get an installment must fill out the financial aid application and check with the Financial Aid Unit to complete the application.
Can I get a scholarship without filling out the loan application?
Students are not considered among the eligible nominated list for a scholarship if they do not fill out the loan application.
Which unit at the university deals with scholarships, loans and financial aid?
The Financial Aid Unit located in Sheikh Rashid Bin Said Al- Maktoum Building
Can I get my graduation certificate if I did not pay back my loan?
Yes, you can. However, a student must bring a sponsor and do an adjustment for the loan for paying in the upcoming six months after receiving the certificate.
Is there interest on the loan?
No. The university offers loans without interest.
What if I got the loan, but I was able later to pay all my tuition fees? Can I cancel the loan?
A student cannot cancel the loan, but can benefit from the loan by saving it in the account to ease the payment of tuition fees in the upcoming semesters.