BSEMAN is formed by academic institutions willing to pursue the Network's strategic goal and aims, coming from the region of BSEM and/or from other regions of the world provided they wish to develop and strengthen international cooperation for the advancement of culture, science, education and research in the region of BSEM. (Founded in Thessaloniki, 26 May 2018).
Birzeit University is a founding member, and a member at the network is Coordinating Committee; represented in the administrative body that coordinates the annual program of BSEMAN, as well as any special activity.
Aims and basic activities:
- develop and realize common research projects in the whole range of scientific disciplines, oriented in global and regional issues such as water supply, energy, environment, Green Economy and Blue Growth, security and safety issues, countering the legalization of criminal profits as well as the financing of vicious, inhuman activities, promoting human dignity, social equity and liberty of expression etc.;
- sustain a network of combining the libraries and data resources of the participating institutions, as well as new, supranational, big databases;
- issue periodicals and organize scientific workshops and conferences, as well as events that will bring together academicians, cultural and business communities of the BSEM;
- develop the educational cooperation in all tiers of higher education, also in vocational training and lifelong learning, utilizing the existing exchange schemes and distanced learning possibilities;
- accomplish social interventions as well as jointly undertaking activities in cultural issues; Innovation, start-ups and entrepreneurial development and
- realize initiatives that bring together the youth in the region, culturally, academically and also vocationally