عبد الرحيم موسى
عبد الرحيم موسى
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List of Publications
Ph.D. Thesis: Applications of Mathematics and Game Theory to Industrial Organization. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Porto, Portugal (2013).
M.Sc. Thesis: Applications of Mathematics and Game Theory to Industrial Organization. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Birzeit University, Palestine (2009).
Submitted Articles
A. S. Mousa, D. Pinheiro and A. A. Pinto. The Existence of Optimal Controls for a Stochastic Optimal Control with a Random Horizon.
Published Work
A. S. Mousa and A. A. Pinto. Geometric approaches and bifurcations in the dichotomous decision model. Journal of the Arab American University, v3 (2), 10-39 (2017).
A. S. Mousa, D. Pinheiro and A. A. Pinto. Optimal life insurance purchase from a market of several competing life insurance providers. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, v67, 133-144 (2016).
A. S. Mousa, A. A. Pinto and R. Soeiro. Externality Effects in the Formation of Societies. Journal of Dynamics and Games, v2 (2), 303-320 (2015).
A. S. Mousa, D. Pinheiro and A. A. Pinto. A Consumption-Investment Problem with a Diminishing Basket of Goods. Operational Research: IO 2013 - XVI Congress of APDIO, (eds. J. P. Almeida, J. F. Oliveira and A. A. Pinto). CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, Springer, Chapter 17, 295-310 (2015).
A. S. Mousa, A. A. Pinto and R. Soeiro. Influence of Individual Decisions in Competitive Market Policies. Mathematics of Planet Earth (eds. F. Costa, J. Buescu and J. T. Pinto). Editora Universitária do Instituto Superior Técnico, IST Press, Lisboa, (2014).
A. S. Mousa, R. Soeiro, T. R. Oliveira and A. A. Pinto. Dynamics of Human Decisions. Journal of Dynamics and Games, v1 (1), 121 - 151 (2014).
A. S. Mousa, A. A. Pinto and M. Faias. Resort Pricing and Bankruptcy. Dynamics, Games and Science II (eds. M. Peixoto, A. A. Pinto, and D. Rand). Proceedings in Mathematics series. Springer-Verlag, Chapter 39, 567-573 (2011).
A. S. Mousa, A. A. Pinto, M. Mousa and R. Samarah. Tilings and Bussola for Making Decisions. Dynamics, Games and Science I (eds. M. Peixoto, A. A. Pinto and D. Rand). Proceedings in Mathematics series. Springer-Verlag, Chapter 44, 689-708 (2011).