Professors participate in international conference on medical chemistry and drug discovery

Birzeit University Faculty members from the Faculty of Science/Department of Chemistry, represented by the Chair of the Chemistry Department Dr. Hijazi Abu Ali, and Dr. Ghassan Albarghouti participated in the RSC Pakistan 1st International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery, Oct 18-19, 2018, COMSTECH, Islamabad, Pakistan.

The conference is sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry and organized by the Royal Society of Chemistry/Pakistan Local section and COMSTECH (Organization of Islamic Cooperation; Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation). It covered Protein/enzyme systems targeted for therapeutic interventions, particularly for the treatment of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and anti-biotic developments. It aimed to present the outcomes of high-quality research and to stimulate research collaboration, networking, and engagement within the medicinal chemistry, chemical biology, and drug discovery community.

Dr. Abu Ali and Dr. Albarghouti represented Palestine at the meeting. Dr. Abu Ali gave a talk titled “Synthesis, characterization and biological activity of novel anti-microbial drugs of transition metal complexes based on the biologically active non-steroidal carboxylates and nitrogen based ligands” and Dr. Albarghouti’s talk was titled “General method for the synthesis of substituted cyclopentenones via α-borylzirconacyclopentenes intermediates”.